Accomplishing the dream...

We look ahead to the future for happiness, letting life slip through our fingers. Will we feel complete when the task is done or look back on how we missed so much fun? Self-exhausted and we cant see a thing, hurting those we love as well as ourselves. We have so much to be grateful for, but are we willing to open the door? Too frequently others see whats in front of our face, but were to blind to look as we're ready to race. Is this what life should be about? Money, fortune, fame or a big house? Family, love, friendship and laughter are what we should seek. Everything else will fall in its place so there's no need to compete....

My Blog Pages

Saturday, May 28, 2011

7 Day Challenge Finale!!!

As I prepared to wrap up the 7 day challenge, it became harder and harder to write. In a way I became almost defiant and stubborn in my thinking. I said things like, I don't want to write, I don't have to, I'm grown and can do what I want, when I want. In life sometimes you have those moments where you feel like "this" is mines and I don't have to answer to anyone but me. Some wonder why did you challenge yourself? What was it suppose to mean? My intentions and goal of the challenge was to take a period of time in my life where I had to embark on a difficult situation and enjoy and bask in my joy of writing. I wanted to basically make a difficult situation easier by doing something I like. Well it started out nice and easy and as the days continued, it became harder and harder. Before you knew it, day 7 slipped right away from me without completion. It wasn't just my inability to want to write, but of course life got in the way. Situations occur very often in a family of 6. So only a strong desire would've really sat me down to write that day. Of course I had everyday after that and that's just how I looked at it. I could write it anytime now because I'm late anyways, right? You'll have to excuse the fact that this post comes long in length and I hope you will find the ability and time to want to finish reading.
I was confronted with a reader of my blog (thanks family) when I didn't post day 7. Unbelievable right? Now I had to force and answer to why I had just given up or not completed my journey. People actually enjoyed what I was doing and were looking forward to finding a conclusion to what this all meant. So then my thinking became OMG! I have to write this, it almost felt forcible now, which was the complete opposite of my purpose. I fought with emotions, situations, and my inability to find the "right" words to wrap the challenge up for days. At times when I found the right focus, it wouldn't stick in my mind in enough time to write it down. Timing was never perfect. But today as I sit and write, I refuse to get up without finishing up this challenge. It's late, but somewhat right on time. I remain proud of myself (regardless of the fact that its late) for finishing it up. As I speak upon what I learned and gained from this challenge, let me first say, it was indeed a challenge and I need so much more work on completing personal tasks and working on me. I am a wife and mother, but I also need to continue to really and truly focus on me. Most times I am just going through the motions and not enjoying the beauty of life and the beauty of being a woman. I have also learned that although my journey seems hard now, it is preparations for fruits of life that many long to have. I have gained so much spiritually from this journey. I am a Christian and my goal is to make it to Paradise. As (man)human in body, there are many times where I will do human things and think human thoughts. I will make mistakes and learn from them. I will sin at times knowingly and unknowingly, but I'm learning how to be a better Christian each and every day.
As I wrap up this post today, I hope that through my journey I have encouraged you to embark on the next step or next dream of your journey. Anything you do, that it not part of your normal routine can be considered the next step. Whether it be starting a new path, hobby, job; developing an relationship or repairing an relationship and so on so forth. Focus on your life right now, determine and act upon your Mission, realize and find your Vision, last but not least- LIVE IT!


Discovery said...

I feel your pain. When I tried to do a month of writing everyday, after a week I felt like I'd bled myself dry. Even now, as I try to write a few pages for my book each day, it gets harder. What I really hate is when I write one day, go back the next and have to trash almost everything from the day before. I'm glad you came back and did day 7 though! Now you can breathe!

Sarah said...

I'm so glad you could relate! Thanks!