Accomplishing the dream...

We look ahead to the future for happiness, letting life slip through our fingers. Will we feel complete when the task is done or look back on how we missed so much fun? Self-exhausted and we cant see a thing, hurting those we love as well as ourselves. We have so much to be grateful for, but are we willing to open the door? Too frequently others see whats in front of our face, but were to blind to look as we're ready to race. Is this what life should be about? Money, fortune, fame or a big house? Family, love, friendship and laughter are what we should seek. Everything else will fall in its place so there's no need to compete....

My Blog Pages

Monday, June 14, 2010

A New Quest continued

So I know I haven't been updating this blog lately on the progress of my new quest, but I can say that I am still on track. I have slowed down with the water, but I pick it back up whenever I feel myself slipping. I have my ups and downs with remembering to take my meds and vitamins. I have to constantly pray for encouragement and motivation-I cannot do this alone. I am proud to say through all my ups and downs that I have lost another 2lbs! I know that I can contribute this to the summer months of less eating and more physical activity, but the long run will show how much effort I am really putting in. I am now adding another factor into my quest to maximize my success. I will walk the stairs at work-3 times per day-thats 7 flights per time. I know this is logical because it only takes 5 minutes per time and who doesn't have 15 minutes scattered throughout there day to find time for themselves?  I hope you also are seeing success in your quest too! Wish me luck that I will stay motivated to keep this up.

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