Oh my, oh my, oh my- I’ve had my share of struggles lately. Some things I can validate, some I simply cannot figure out why these had to be my situations. I admit today that I’ve been in no way perfect, I’ve made my mistakes, I’ve lost my strength at times, my character has been compromised, I’ve been heavily wounded and worried, and I’ve just about given up hope. I have indeed felt the heat of the fire. Throughout this fire, I have increasingly and abundantly grown in my faith. I’ve had no choice but to lean on the will of God. My faith has been tested causing my endurance to grow and develop. To some it appears on the outside that I’ve given up on Him-not attending church regularly and steering away from certain functions, but I’m here to tell you today that deep down inside my heart, God had worked day and night through good times and bad to mold me into his servant. He has showed me how to show love, compassion and obedience in times of trials and confusion. I’ve lost a lot of people in my life throughout this time. Some I can do no more for but Pray that God conditions their hearts and handles them accordingly. Some because I’ve asked that any negativity or souls that don’t fall in line with his will for my life be removed. Some unintentional, but ultimately for the sake of Him. At times I’ve been concerned of what people will think of these changes, how they’ll feel about my actions and my future opportunities, but I’ve learned that my focus cannot be on their feelings, but on his guide for my life. It’s a known fact that when God is preparing you for something big that you’ll have to go through some trials, some obstacles, you’ll have to defeat the devil. See when the devil sees you growing in Christ he’ll take a difficult situation and try to steer you in a negative direction, make you think that there’s no way out and start questioning your faith. If your heart, mind or soul had the proper foundation, then that one ounce of faith left can put you back on track, the righteous will not be forsaken. Throughout this fire, I have became transformed. I am a mature follower of Christ and I’ve grown within him through my times of struggles as he strengthens and delivers me.
Isaiah 40:31 NIV
But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on the wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint
Accomplishing the dream...
We look ahead to the future for happiness, letting life slip through our fingers. Will we feel complete when the task is done or look back on how we missed so much fun? Self-exhausted and we cant see a thing, hurting those we love as well as ourselves. We have so much to be grateful for, but are we willing to open the door? Too frequently others see whats in front of our face, but were to blind to look as we're ready to race. Is this what life should be about? Money, fortune, fame or a big house? Family, love, friendship and laughter are what we should seek. Everything else will fall in its place so there's no need to compete....
My Blog Pages
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Thursday, October 7, 2010
What role(s) do you play? What role is most important? How do you play your role(s)? Do you know when your role is needed most? Have you forgotten about certain roles?
I ask these questions because sometimes I don’t think people realize what it is to be a role model for many different situations, many different causes and for many different people. I hope this stirs in you to start focusing more on the answers. Most people can be quick to say I’m an employee or business owner, a wife or husband, and mother or father. But do you realize that those are all basic roles those most people have regardless? Do you realize that you are so much more than that? Do you realize that people look up to you or reach out to you outside of those roles? Before you start thinking more on what roles you play, let me tell you what roles I play. I am a wife, a mother, a child of god, an employee, a taxpayer, a daughter, a sister, an Aunt, a niece, a cousin, a best friend, a friend, an associate, a responsible citizen, a beautiful woman, a role model, an enemy to some. I think there are many other minor roles, but I think I’ve gotten my point across. Many don’t realize that you’ve got to extend beyond your normal box and make sure you realize your roles in the other areas. Outside of making sure you’re not neglecting your other roles, many may think well yeah I know that I this and I’m that, but the question is are you fulfilling those roles? If you say you’re a sister are you really doing your sisterly duties? Are you calling him or her up and reminding them you love them? You say you’re a Aunt, but are your really making sure you’re setting an example for your nieces or nephews? Or are they just another one of those kids that your sister had? You say you’re a wife, but are you always complaining about doing this and doing that and you don’t have time or this or time for that? Some say they are best friends or friends, but are you showing your friends how much you appreciate them regardless of what you expect from them? Are you expectations set to high? Do you want something from a friend that you’re not willing to give? Take a deep look into your roles and start to realize just how important you are to yourself, your family, and many others that are an active part of your life. Start fulfilling those roles to the fullest, don’t just give a little piece, give what you would expect to receive in that role. I hope that I have motivated you to answers these questions and get moving on taking responsibilities for your roles. Live your dream, do what it takes to get there!
I ask these questions because sometimes I don’t think people realize what it is to be a role model for many different situations, many different causes and for many different people. I hope this stirs in you to start focusing more on the answers. Most people can be quick to say I’m an employee or business owner, a wife or husband, and mother or father. But do you realize that those are all basic roles those most people have regardless? Do you realize that you are so much more than that? Do you realize that people look up to you or reach out to you outside of those roles? Before you start thinking more on what roles you play, let me tell you what roles I play. I am a wife, a mother, a child of god, an employee, a taxpayer, a daughter, a sister, an Aunt, a niece, a cousin, a best friend, a friend, an associate, a responsible citizen, a beautiful woman, a role model, an enemy to some. I think there are many other minor roles, but I think I’ve gotten my point across. Many don’t realize that you’ve got to extend beyond your normal box and make sure you realize your roles in the other areas. Outside of making sure you’re not neglecting your other roles, many may think well yeah I know that I this and I’m that, but the question is are you fulfilling those roles? If you say you’re a sister are you really doing your sisterly duties? Are you calling him or her up and reminding them you love them? You say you’re a Aunt, but are your really making sure you’re setting an example for your nieces or nephews? Or are they just another one of those kids that your sister had? You say you’re a wife, but are you always complaining about doing this and doing that and you don’t have time or this or time for that? Some say they are best friends or friends, but are you showing your friends how much you appreciate them regardless of what you expect from them? Are you expectations set to high? Do you want something from a friend that you’re not willing to give? Take a deep look into your roles and start to realize just how important you are to yourself, your family, and many others that are an active part of your life. Start fulfilling those roles to the fullest, don’t just give a little piece, give what you would expect to receive in that role. I hope that I have motivated you to answers these questions and get moving on taking responsibilities for your roles. Live your dream, do what it takes to get there!
Friday, September 24, 2010
"Lord, give us enough hurts to keep us humane, enough failures to keep our hands clenched tightly in Yours, and enough of success to make them sure we walk with You throughout all of our life."
This is a snippet what I pray today. This is found in many prayers from weddings, to christenings’, to blessings of our homes and churches, for prayer over our family and friends and many more. I have embarked on a journey these last couple months and my journey is not done, I have many roads to cross, may obstacles to overcome and may roads blocks to back me up. But with that there are many goals I’ll accomplish, joyful moments, everlasting memories, hearts I’ll touch, tears of joy, and inspiration to receive and provide. I pray that God gives me the strength and understanding to make this journey complete and to do as he would want me to do. I realize that he has not brought me, neither you this far to leave us. Each and every situation and circumstance is for the glory of him. He will never give us more than we can bear. As said in my prayer, he needs to prepare us for his blessing and if that means we have to encounter hurts, failures, and successes to keep us in his plan to walk with Him throughout all of our life then so be it. I know that through all things, he is with me each and every step of the way.
This is a snippet what I pray today. This is found in many prayers from weddings, to christenings’, to blessings of our homes and churches, for prayer over our family and friends and many more. I have embarked on a journey these last couple months and my journey is not done, I have many roads to cross, may obstacles to overcome and may roads blocks to back me up. But with that there are many goals I’ll accomplish, joyful moments, everlasting memories, hearts I’ll touch, tears of joy, and inspiration to receive and provide. I pray that God gives me the strength and understanding to make this journey complete and to do as he would want me to do. I realize that he has not brought me, neither you this far to leave us. Each and every situation and circumstance is for the glory of him. He will never give us more than we can bear. As said in my prayer, he needs to prepare us for his blessing and if that means we have to encounter hurts, failures, and successes to keep us in his plan to walk with Him throughout all of our life then so be it. I know that through all things, he is with me each and every step of the way.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Patience IS a virtue
Definition of PATIENT
1: bearing pains or trials calmly or without complaint
2: manifesting forbearance under provocation or strain
3: not hasty or impetuous
4: steadfast despite opposition, difficulty, or adversity
5a : able or willing to bear —used with of
5b : susceptible, admitting
I was told this past weekend how much patience I had (and I'm referring to with my children). Thank you God for one wonderful friend who was very observant of my doings over a span of hours. Before I go on, lets just say that with so much to do and so much going on in my life, people have seen the real me( which is exactly what you've seen in the past). I don't have time to to be extra anything (what you've seen is what you get). So what I'm getting at is how I act in front you people is how I act not in front of people.
Consistently recently I have asked for patience; patience on my job, patience with my friends and enemies, patience with family, patience with time, patience with obstacles and most importantly patience to deal with my children(the most impatient beings on earth(in my opinion)). So in my consist request, I thought I struggled more than average with this area of my life, but come to find out I am one of the best with having patience. So a friend of mine said to me WOW!, you have so much patience, with the many children your dealing with and the many situations, you can actually still speak in a tone that's comforting, your graceful, not appearing angry, its surreal what I've seen this evening. You have a lot of patience, its like you close out the noise from the screaming baby, from the mess of the evening and focus on whats important and necessary and its real. So I said to her, are you serious? you think I'm patient? She said yes, If I were you or any average person, there's no way it would be possible to deal with the situations of the evening and still carry on like a normal human being, its virtually impossible!
As I look further into the situation, I'm able to see that I am a calm, cool, and collective person and realize that I'm able to operate without constant complaint, I'm still manifesting regardless of obstacles and strain. I am not impulsive and violent. I can bear the situations that come my way despite adversity. Here a I am, one of the many patient moms and wives out there in this world who hadn't even realized that I finally got what I was asking for!
To close, some how some way before I had a chance to notice, my prayers were answered. God kind of just slide this blessing into my life for the sake of my children and My Dear I'm sure. So If you find an area of you life where you are lacking, don't give up on improving. Continue to request the change or improvement your searching for and reevaluate after time, you may already be experiencing the blessings you've asked for. Remember to take notice of how you are currently functioning and take credit for a job well done.
1: bearing pains or trials calmly or without complaint
2: manifesting forbearance under provocation or strain
3: not hasty or impetuous
4: steadfast despite opposition, difficulty, or adversity
5a : able or willing to bear —used with of
5b : susceptible, admitting
I was told this past weekend how much patience I had (and I'm referring to with my children). Thank you God for one wonderful friend who was very observant of my doings over a span of hours. Before I go on, lets just say that with so much to do and so much going on in my life, people have seen the real me( which is exactly what you've seen in the past). I don't have time to to be extra anything (what you've seen is what you get). So what I'm getting at is how I act in front you people is how I act not in front of people.
Consistently recently I have asked for patience; patience on my job, patience with my friends and enemies, patience with family, patience with time, patience with obstacles and most importantly patience to deal with my children(the most impatient beings on earth(in my opinion)). So in my consist request, I thought I struggled more than average with this area of my life, but come to find out I am one of the best with having patience. So a friend of mine said to me WOW!, you have so much patience, with the many children your dealing with and the many situations, you can actually still speak in a tone that's comforting, your graceful, not appearing angry, its surreal what I've seen this evening. You have a lot of patience, its like you close out the noise from the screaming baby, from the mess of the evening and focus on whats important and necessary and its real. So I said to her, are you serious? you think I'm patient? She said yes, If I were you or any average person, there's no way it would be possible to deal with the situations of the evening and still carry on like a normal human being, its virtually impossible!
As I look further into the situation, I'm able to see that I am a calm, cool, and collective person and realize that I'm able to operate without constant complaint, I'm still manifesting regardless of obstacles and strain. I am not impulsive and violent. I can bear the situations that come my way despite adversity. Here a I am, one of the many patient moms and wives out there in this world who hadn't even realized that I finally got what I was asking for!
To close, some how some way before I had a chance to notice, my prayers were answered. God kind of just slide this blessing into my life for the sake of my children and My Dear I'm sure. So If you find an area of you life where you are lacking, don't give up on improving. Continue to request the change or improvement your searching for and reevaluate after time, you may already be experiencing the blessings you've asked for. Remember to take notice of how you are currently functioning and take credit for a job well done.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Friday, August 6, 2010
I Just Found My Niche
I just did it, I finally came to the realization that I found my niche! I love to plan, absolutely, positively, can't get enough of it planning! After spending about 6 months (maybe more) on the planning of a book club/social club and finally kicking it off this past July, i realized something was missing. I was yearning for the next step, not the next step of the book club such as what were reading, but more like how can I plan for the next step of our vision for the book club- who, what, where, when, why and how can we make it to the next big thing? I'm creative, I like to set boundaries, I like to put things into perspective, I like to set real goals and work my way through them, I like to be prepared, I want things to be perfect. WOW! How can this help me? What can this do for my life? How can this alter or prepare me for my future goals in life? I'm really not sure how to answers those questions, but I do know that I am at the first point and I will continue to work my way up until I accomplish what God has set forth for me to do in life. I'm excited of where I am, its not that I have a perfect life, a perfect career, a perfect family, or I'm a perfect person, but just that I'm excited that I have something to look forward to in my future endeavors. I know there will be obstacles, barriers, and just plain roadblocks that the devil is excited about putting in place, but I am growing, learning, and advancing in so many areas of my life and I can't wait to see how things turn out!
Monday, July 26, 2010
Welcome Back!
Wow, it’s been a long time. You might ask, where have you been, why haven’t you kept us updated? We’ll for those of you who know me well, well you know exactly where I’ve been and what I’m up to. I’ve been chillin, enjoying life, taking it easy, setting a foundation for my book/social club, partying a bit too much at times, and preparing for some upcoming great changes in my family life. I am still being responsible on my quest to a healthier me for the most part. I will not be seeing my doctor again until the end of this year, so I can now move forward knowing I’m back to speed on my health. Unfortunately I haven’t seen a change in the scale, but I’m still proud of where I am. I’ve even now taken advantage of our corporate park gym at my job. I can’t say that I’ve been overwhelmed with everything going on, but just enjoying every moment of it. I’ve spent a great deal of my summer with lots of friends and geographically close family, but I do miss my family back home-very much. For now I’ll take advantage of technology and keep doing what works. But I can’t wait for the day we can be close again. I miss my dear sister so very much- I imagine the fun times we had together and look forward to bringing those back to reality. I know that we are apart for a reason- and it’s in Gods greater plans to bring us back together for a bigger and better, closer relationship. I’ve been able to witness the re-union of two sister after a few years of no face to face contact and oh how I crave for that feeling too- so much I can taste it at times. It brings a tear to my eyes sometimes to realize how guilty I feel at times to share a bond with a friend that I want with my own sister. But friends- I still love you too, but its different and special and unique- you’ll understand. Blessing are uncontrollable, my dreams and goals have been coming to pass right in front of my eyes. Their real and some of you may have witnessed them. Well I’m back and I miss my consistent writing- you may have too. Thank God for the break and for placing me back where I belong.
Monday, June 14, 2010
A New Quest continued
So I know I haven't been updating this blog lately on the progress of my new quest, but I can say that I am still on track. I have slowed down with the water, but I pick it back up whenever I feel myself slipping. I have my ups and downs with remembering to take my meds and vitamins. I have to constantly pray for encouragement and motivation-I cannot do this alone. I am proud to say through all my ups and downs that I have lost another 2lbs! I know that I can contribute this to the summer months of less eating and more physical activity, but the long run will show how much effort I am really putting in. I am now adding another factor into my quest to maximize my success. I will walk the stairs at work-3 times per day-thats 7 flights per time. I know this is logical because it only takes 5 minutes per time and who doesn't have 15 minutes scattered throughout there day to find time for themselves? I hope you also are seeing success in your quest too! Wish me luck that I will stay motivated to keep this up.
Friday, June 11, 2010
Blog Changes
I'm not sure if any other bloggers noticed, but there are some new design changes available and as you can see my blog is undergoinging some of those changes. Sorry for the unreadable content as times, I'm trying to get it right and of course I didn't back-up my template. I love the new features by the way!
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Treat Others The Way You Want To Be Treated
Treat others the way you want to be treated is not only a common quote or the “golden rule”, but a major part of our lives. This relates to every relationship including your family, friends, strangers and enemies. I have come to find out how important this is in everyday situations. Most often we don’t realize how we come off to others; we may think that our actions aren’t being felt by others. We are all emotional human beings - we deserve for our feelings to be taken into consideration and to be respected. We all need to understand what effect our actions have on the lives of others. We need to be able to imagine ourselves in the other person's place on the receiving end of the action. Treating people morally should come from the inside, you shouldn’t do it because it looks good or you’re trying to make an impression. Think about it, would you want someone to act like your friend because you know a specific person or have a common tie, but deep inside they rather not have your friendship? Take this time and think about how you treat the people surrounded by you most often- you family and friends. Are you sure that you’re absolutely OK with the actions you perform, with the conversations you have? Are you unknowingly offensive or disrespectful with the things or say or do? Would you mind being treated in those ways? Would you not feel hurt or rejected by those actions? If you find that these questions have sparked some thoughts about your actions, then perhaps you need to reestablish yourself with the golden rule
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Rocks and Heels
Lets just say, they don't go together. Sticks and stones not only break your bones, but your heels too. A too cute pair of heels that I've worn for the first time are now history. I am still heart broken at this. Why me?? Why did I have to walk thru the gravel parking lot and stand in the long line at Wet Willies? Why did I have to put my heels through so much pain and suffering. I'll miss you, but I must move on.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
The Beginning......
As easy as it sounds, the harder it is. We I've been on the gallon a day for a few days now and OMG- I didn't know it would be so hard. If you've tried this too, I'm sure you and the restroom have become very fond of one another by now. I've read that the frequent trips should wear off after a few days. I can't wait! I can admit that this has helped with eating smaller portions and staying fuller longer. I try to get mines in before 5 pm everyday and anything after that is extra.
I've decided also now that my treacherous week with the Md's are over for now...I will start to take all my medicines and vitamins everyday like I should. I know your probably wondering well what kind of meds is she taking?
I have to take a required med every morning before I start my day, Vitamin D is also necessity, my multi-vitamin One-A-Day Weight Smart, Vitamin B-12, & Fiber Caplets.
Adding this into my plan will be a hassle to begin with but in the long run should get me off most of these meds. I must take my required med every morning after getting out of bed, I can then not eat or drink anything for another hour. With my breakfast I will take my Multi vitamin, vitamin D and B-12. With lunch I will take my Fiber caplet and then again at dinner the fiber caplet.
All of this will be vital in getting to the ultimate goal and without it or skipping it will only keep me on the path I'm on, so here is another challenge that I must stay on.
As you should see, I am slowly incorporating piece by piece on to my ultimate goal, I've tried to go hard and do it all at once in the past and fell into the same trap of no success, so it doesn't hurt to take it easy if you want to stay on the right path.
Now its time for you to add in that next piece, it may differ from mines but it remains an vital piece. Wish me luck and the same for you.
BTW- I have lost 3 lbs since Monday May 24th.
I've decided also now that my treacherous week with the Md's are over for now...I will start to take all my medicines and vitamins everyday like I should. I know your probably wondering well what kind of meds is she taking?
I have to take a required med every morning before I start my day, Vitamin D is also necessity, my multi-vitamin One-A-Day Weight Smart, Vitamin B-12, & Fiber Caplets.
Adding this into my plan will be a hassle to begin with but in the long run should get me off most of these meds. I must take my required med every morning after getting out of bed, I can then not eat or drink anything for another hour. With my breakfast I will take my Multi vitamin, vitamin D and B-12. With lunch I will take my Fiber caplet and then again at dinner the fiber caplet.
All of this will be vital in getting to the ultimate goal and without it or skipping it will only keep me on the path I'm on, so here is another challenge that I must stay on.
As you should see, I am slowly incorporating piece by piece on to my ultimate goal, I've tried to go hard and do it all at once in the past and fell into the same trap of no success, so it doesn't hurt to take it easy if you want to stay on the right path.
Now its time for you to add in that next piece, it may differ from mines but it remains an vital piece. Wish me luck and the same for you.
BTW- I have lost 3 lbs since Monday May 24th.
Saturday, May 29, 2010
A New Quest
I am on a quest to find my healthy body, my healthy eating habits , and my healthy physical activity. I think I have explored this many times before, at times successful – other times not to be spoken of. But I want to succeed this time. I want my results to be permanent, not another quick fix or temporary patch. So I am telling the world my story and my dream, I am making myself accountable. I am not different from any other person who wants to lose weight. I have my excuses, my reasons why I am where I am right now. Does any of it really matter? I think some it matters. No it shouldn’t be an excuse, but it does matter. I have and still struggle with a sickness that inhibits my body’s ability to be healthy. But I’m tired of it controlling me and hindering me from being where I want to be in the physical aspect of my body.
One day, my health will be normal, so why should I wait until then, why not start the healthy habits now? I ask myself that today, Is my health a 5 minute problem, a 5 hour problem, a 5 day problem or a 5 year problem? Well if you know the story, if its anything less than a 5 year problem, then there’s no need to stress or worry profusely about anything that will not even exist or be thought of a week from now. I encourage you to use that guide when problems arise. I have unfortunately been dealing with a lot of 5 year problems/situations, so they are very worth my time and energy.
Trying to stay on track- We’ll I am disappointed at the fact that I’ve joined this Biggest Loser competition with my job and I have to admit that I haven’t been holding up my end of the stick with my team. We are at a halfway mark and I’m looking back and not seeing a single change in my weight. I’ve given up on completing the challenges so far, I haven’t used the resources available, but worst of all I have disappointed myself. I told myself 3 weeks ago when one of my teammates was diagnosed with Leukemia, that I would try harder since they had to unexpectedly drop from the competition. But I’ve only failed at my attempts.
So I know what I need to do, I know that I can start right here right now. With one step, one glass of water, one fruit or vegetable, and one word of encouragement to get on the right track. So what happens now?? Well I will updating my blog with mostly everything I am doing to complete my quest. You will hear my most intimate struggles, my successes, my good times and my bad. I challenge myself based off my own goals and timeline to complete this by September 25th, my Birthday. I don’t want to celebrate another year disappointed at my failures, looking back at myself and knowing that I haven’t even taken the effort to make the improvements.
I have wondered so often, how can we dedicate so many long hours to working a job, taking care of our kids, our families and friends, and putting ourselves last on the list. Without putting yourself and your health first, there is no way you can enjoy the long term effects of all the other things in your life.
So it has been a treacherous week with my health and only God knows what the future will bring, but putting all that aside and keeping faith in His plan, I move on to what is in my control. I will start by drinking one gallon of water a day- you heard me 1 Gallon(128 ounces)! Yes, it’s said that on average our bodies need at least 64 oz to function properly, but who’s average? Not me….A better figure is to drink half of your body weight. Ex. If your 180lbs- drink 90 ounces of water per day. I want to exceed that, it’s not hard to accomplish. I found a half gallon size bottle at Walmart that I can carry to work and only have to fill up twice. I challenge you do the same. I’m aiming for a gallon a day and I’ll let you know how that goes in a few days. I’m thinking frequent trips to the ladies room……Wish me luck and success!
One day, my health will be normal, so why should I wait until then, why not start the healthy habits now? I ask myself that today, Is my health a 5 minute problem, a 5 hour problem, a 5 day problem or a 5 year problem? Well if you know the story, if its anything less than a 5 year problem, then there’s no need to stress or worry profusely about anything that will not even exist or be thought of a week from now. I encourage you to use that guide when problems arise. I have unfortunately been dealing with a lot of 5 year problems/situations, so they are very worth my time and energy.
Trying to stay on track- We’ll I am disappointed at the fact that I’ve joined this Biggest Loser competition with my job and I have to admit that I haven’t been holding up my end of the stick with my team. We are at a halfway mark and I’m looking back and not seeing a single change in my weight. I’ve given up on completing the challenges so far, I haven’t used the resources available, but worst of all I have disappointed myself. I told myself 3 weeks ago when one of my teammates was diagnosed with Leukemia, that I would try harder since they had to unexpectedly drop from the competition. But I’ve only failed at my attempts.
So I know what I need to do, I know that I can start right here right now. With one step, one glass of water, one fruit or vegetable, and one word of encouragement to get on the right track. So what happens now?? Well I will updating my blog with mostly everything I am doing to complete my quest. You will hear my most intimate struggles, my successes, my good times and my bad. I challenge myself based off my own goals and timeline to complete this by September 25th, my Birthday. I don’t want to celebrate another year disappointed at my failures, looking back at myself and knowing that I haven’t even taken the effort to make the improvements.
I have wondered so often, how can we dedicate so many long hours to working a job, taking care of our kids, our families and friends, and putting ourselves last on the list. Without putting yourself and your health first, there is no way you can enjoy the long term effects of all the other things in your life.
So it has been a treacherous week with my health and only God knows what the future will bring, but putting all that aside and keeping faith in His plan, I move on to what is in my control. I will start by drinking one gallon of water a day- you heard me 1 Gallon(128 ounces)! Yes, it’s said that on average our bodies need at least 64 oz to function properly, but who’s average? Not me….A better figure is to drink half of your body weight. Ex. If your 180lbs- drink 90 ounces of water per day. I want to exceed that, it’s not hard to accomplish. I found a half gallon size bottle at Walmart that I can carry to work and only have to fill up twice. I challenge you do the same. I’m aiming for a gallon a day and I’ll let you know how that goes in a few days. I’m thinking frequent trips to the ladies room……Wish me luck and success!
Friday, May 28, 2010
Rest in Peace Gary Coleman
Ok, so I had to blog this one. I usually don’t voice my opinion on topics that everyone else is voicing their opinion on, but this one has be put out there. I’m very disappointed at the news I hear surrounding Gary Coleman death. God bless his soul and may he rest in peace. Why is it with every positive thing that is said about a person, there has to be a negative? I pulled this news alert I got from my local news station.
Gary Coleman, the child star of the smash 1970s TV sitcom ``Diff'rent Strokes'' whose later career was marred by medical and legal problems, has died after suffering an intercranial hemorrhage. He was 42.
Utah Valley Regional Medical Center spokeswoman Janet Frank says life support was terminated and Coleman died at 12:05 p.m. MDT.
Coleman, with his sparkling eyes and perfect comic timing, became a star after ``Diff'rent Strokes'' debuted in 1978. He played the younger brother in a pair of African-American siblings adopted by a wealthy white man.
His popularity faded when the show ended after six seasons on NBC and two on ABC.
He suffered continuing ill health from the kidney disease that stunted his growth and had a host of legal problems in recent years.
For more information, tune to 1110 AM, 99.3 FM, listen online or visit wbt.com
Host of legal problems……… well I don’t know much about what they are, and I’m not going to spend my time researching. All I need to know is that he was a sick person and could his legal problems which are due to his serious health condition that cost money to take care each and every day of his life have possibly caused him to run into financial issues? My first thought would be yes and I’ll leave it there. He was a sick man and it was beyond his control the way he was born and the health issues he was consumed with. So let’s celebrate that fact that he brought and showcased great and memorable times in the entertainment business and I’ll leave it at that! Stay positive.
Gary Coleman, the child star of the smash 1970s TV sitcom ``Diff'rent Strokes'' whose later career was marred by medical and legal problems, has died after suffering an intercranial hemorrhage. He was 42.
Utah Valley Regional Medical Center spokeswoman Janet Frank says life support was terminated and Coleman died at 12:05 p.m. MDT.
Coleman, with his sparkling eyes and perfect comic timing, became a star after ``Diff'rent Strokes'' debuted in 1978. He played the younger brother in a pair of African-American siblings adopted by a wealthy white man.
His popularity faded when the show ended after six seasons on NBC and two on ABC.
He suffered continuing ill health from the kidney disease that stunted his growth and had a host of legal problems in recent years.
For more information, tune to 1110 AM, 99.3 FM, listen online or visit wbt.com
Host of legal problems……… well I don’t know much about what they are, and I’m not going to spend my time researching. All I need to know is that he was a sick person and could his legal problems which are due to his serious health condition that cost money to take care each and every day of his life have possibly caused him to run into financial issues? My first thought would be yes and I’ll leave it there. He was a sick man and it was beyond his control the way he was born and the health issues he was consumed with. So let’s celebrate that fact that he brought and showcased great and memorable times in the entertainment business and I’ll leave it at that! Stay positive.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Just One of Dem Days
Wow, I have been so uninterested lately in blogging. Not only am I slacking on my own blogging, but I am so slacking on even reading other blogs.
I think I'm blogged out.
At least for a while.
I hope to be back strong after a little break.
I think we all deserve a break right?
I can't believe its Saturday, I actually try to avoid the computer on this day, but it's just one of them days where I'm all caught up on my reality shows, kids are napping, my dear is busy, and I didn't have anything better to do.
I'm meeting with my peoples tonight so we can get the show rolling on the book club.
Maybe that's where all my energy went...? Well I think its all worth it.
Anyways gotta go, I'll be blogging again soon!
I think I'm blogged out.
At least for a while.
I hope to be back strong after a little break.
I think we all deserve a break right?
I can't believe its Saturday, I actually try to avoid the computer on this day, but it's just one of them days where I'm all caught up on my reality shows, kids are napping, my dear is busy, and I didn't have anything better to do.
I'm meeting with my peoples tonight so we can get the show rolling on the book club.
Maybe that's where all my energy went...? Well I think its all worth it.
Anyways gotta go, I'll be blogging again soon!
Friday, May 14, 2010
The Lovely Things in Life - Week 13
I have been doing a lot of thinking lately, my mind is everywhere. I haven't had the desire to blog lately. I do congratulate myself for 5 strong months or maybe 4, the last one has been sluggish. For now, I'll just be thankful, thankful for all the many blessings- big and small that have came into my life lately. Until next time-have a great weekend and I'll be back hopefully stronger than ever!
Friday, May 7, 2010
The Lovely Things in Life - Week 11 & 12
I was just asking myself do I want to continue this feature? I guess there's no reason to give up. Just no inspiration going on right now that worth keeping track of. I do like how I can go back over my previous posts relating to this feature and cherish and look forward to some of those similiar moments. I have been doing a lot of networking lately, and continuing to work on my club, I'm heading in the right direction. I hope you are too! Have a wonderful weekend with an outlook of a great week ahead!
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Time Management
I'm back! Not that I was gone for long, but a week can be considered that for most. I didn't update my weekly feature, but who's keeping track!?, this Friday will be before you know it. I have been busy lately, working on the planning and launching of my book club this summer. Its been fun networking with so many people, collecting such good ideas, getting wonderful feedback, and of course all the research, business and technical work. Add this in to my normal to-do activites and figure out why I still have time for other things. its a simple math equation. 24 hours in day-24 hours of normal everyday activities-2 hours of extra planning and extracurricular activites = -26 hours. So has my day extended? or is there an equation missing from the problem? I've obviously been slacking in other areas to make up. But I have a goal, a goal to figure out how to incorporate more me and/or extra-curricular activity time into my busy schedule. I am trying to figure out how to prioritize, how to do all the things it takes to be and remain a healthy, happy mom of 2 children, wife, family member to many, friend, and employee. I know it has to be possible although I've been discouraged many times. I expect the obstacles, but for the most part, I know it can be achieved. Any suggestions?
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
How and What do You Dream - Part 2

So many people have dreams and positive desires to be this and that and do this and that and the majority think “oh that’s impossible, that could never happen or that could never be me” but reality is you are only holding yourself back! Your dreams don’t have to be as extensive as becoming the President of the USA one day, they could be as small as being a healthy person or incorporating physical activity in your lifestyle. God knows that I would never dream of being president of the USA, (but maybe president of my own company some day), but I do have desire of becoming an author. As far fetch as that may seem to some, I know that I am on the path of having my dream come true. Creating and maintaining this blog was a small step for me and its feels like one of the greatest moments of my life. I know that negativity will only steer me away and believe me I’ve been tested, so I press on to be positive and I create opportunities of positivity.
So whatever your dreams or desires may be, keep that positive outlook in life, surround yourself with positive people and opportunities to get you one step closer to your dreams. Cherish and appreciate the blessings, put towards your effort and look forward to the next day and the next step or your dreams.
Start Now!
Monday, April 26, 2010
How and What Do You Dream?
I pulled this post from a website that I visited not long ago and thought it was pretty interesting and might help with understanding my purpose more. To read the full post by the original blogger visit here.
""Twice this week I've been asked the same question. Coincidence? Probably not.
"How do you dream like that?"
It's rather simple. I just never envision things in "the now." If you filter dreams through what your current status is, is that really a dream? Or is it an analysis? There's a distinct difference between the two.
One of the things that most people do is stop dreaming. The moment you stop dreaming is the moment you begin dying. The longer you stop dream, the harder it is to revive you.
Dreams are important. You must dream.
Here are a few simple steps that I take to dream:
1. I stop. In order to start to envision a better life, a better world, a better you - you've got to remove yourself from it. You can't do that if you're still moving about. As Asagai said in "A Raisin In The Sun," - "Just sit a while and think..."
2.Let go. How can you dream effectively if what you're envisioning is tied to conditions? You've got to dream the goal first - and worry about the details later. That's the whole purpose of dreaming. It's about going to a place that doesn't exist currently. It's about seeing a life that you don't currently have yet. It's about seeing the nice bank account that really isn't there yet. Who cares about HOW you'll get there - or WHAT you'll do to get there. First just get an idea of what THERE looks like. Dream about THERE. In order to do that - let go. Clear you mind of all of the conditional stuff that you think you need to be tied to...let go.
3. Dream BIG and OFTEN. Dreams are just that - dreams. Why put a limit on them? If you're going to dream, it might as well be big, right? Dreams are one of the many things that you don't have to limit - they're unconditional. The only thing preventing you from dreaming big and often, is you. Remove you from the equation, or rather what prevents you, and then you're free to dream the unthinkable. You're free to dream what you could never imagine. You're free to dream what you've never been able to physically see. And do it often. It's like with anything in life, the more you do it, the easier it becomes.
What do I dream about? A few things...""
This post originated from HERE.
To be continued.........
""Twice this week I've been asked the same question. Coincidence? Probably not.
"How do you dream like that?"
It's rather simple. I just never envision things in "the now." If you filter dreams through what your current status is, is that really a dream? Or is it an analysis? There's a distinct difference between the two.
One of the things that most people do is stop dreaming. The moment you stop dreaming is the moment you begin dying. The longer you stop dream, the harder it is to revive you.
Dreams are important. You must dream.
Here are a few simple steps that I take to dream:
1. I stop. In order to start to envision a better life, a better world, a better you - you've got to remove yourself from it. You can't do that if you're still moving about. As Asagai said in "A Raisin In The Sun," - "Just sit a while and think..."
2.Let go. How can you dream effectively if what you're envisioning is tied to conditions? You've got to dream the goal first - and worry about the details later. That's the whole purpose of dreaming. It's about going to a place that doesn't exist currently. It's about seeing a life that you don't currently have yet. It's about seeing the nice bank account that really isn't there yet. Who cares about HOW you'll get there - or WHAT you'll do to get there. First just get an idea of what THERE looks like. Dream about THERE. In order to do that - let go. Clear you mind of all of the conditional stuff that you think you need to be tied to...let go.
3. Dream BIG and OFTEN. Dreams are just that - dreams. Why put a limit on them? If you're going to dream, it might as well be big, right? Dreams are one of the many things that you don't have to limit - they're unconditional. The only thing preventing you from dreaming big and often, is you. Remove you from the equation, or rather what prevents you, and then you're free to dream the unthinkable. You're free to dream what you could never imagine. You're free to dream what you've never been able to physically see. And do it often. It's like with anything in life, the more you do it, the easier it becomes.
What do I dream about? A few things...""
This post originated from HERE.
To be continued.........
Friday, April 23, 2010
The Lovely Things in Life- Week 10
Widgets, widgets and widgets!
My son's report card!
My first follower!
This is another week of limited lovliness that I can actually brag about! Maybe more next time.
Until then what are your lovely things in life?
My son's report card!
My first follower!
This is another week of limited lovliness that I can actually brag about! Maybe more next time.
Until then what are your lovely things in life?
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
This Is Me, Who Are You?
I am me, myself and I, like no other women. But never better than the next. I love me and you! I am a Christian and God fearing woman and continuously working on my faith. I am a woman of many characteristics but my character does not change. Don’t hate me if I appear standoffish, I’ve learned through the years that it’s hard to trust another woman, and that trust has to be created and practiced, usually not at first sight. I do not have stupid written across the top of my forehead, but can you believe that some people think I do? I’ll admit I can be naive at times because it’s hard for me to believe that others can be so stupid, not that they have it written across their forehead….I am not perfect and I don’t strive to because that’s not realistic. I am a very curious woman, too nosy at times, but who isn’t, who doesn’t want to know? I can forgive and along with that goes forgetting. If you chose to purposely hurt me or cause problems with me, I will forgive you and then FORGET you ever existed. I don’t like to be taken advantage of, again I ask who does? I am not ashamed of anything that has ever happened in my life. I have moved past the negative things and I’m living my dream each and every day. A miserable day is part of living my dream, because it makes the next day even better. I am a hard worker, often working too hard, but very proud of my career and my position in life. I am a great wife, a real life black wife with a real life black man and a beautiful family. I know my duties and I hold my position with all my might. I love my family hard, so don’t mess with them either. I am also a great sister, daughter, aunt, cousin, daughter in law and niece. I am forgetful at times, forgetting familiar faces, important dates, holidays, birthdays, and other special occasions, but God knows my heart and I ask of forgiveness at times for things that I know not what I do. I love reality shows, from the Family Crews to Tiny and Toya, because they are not afraid to show there ups and downs, rights and wrongs and different experiences in life. I like real people who go through real life situations. The people I hang around are a reflection of me, I will not keep bad company. I am evolving in so many ways. I can be reserved at times, just sitting back and observing. I am learning etiquette something that was not taught in my neighborhood as a child growing up, but that doesn’t mean I’m acting white or boogie, just that I’m versatile for whatever situation I may encounter. I’m learning style, my own style, getting to know me better and better each day, so excuse me if I don’t dress like you. I’m learning patience and how to expect the unexpected. I am not keeping up with the Jones, or the Thomas’s or Davis’s. If we like the same lamp or color paint in our kitchen, so be it, why hate? This is a overview of me, myself and I and I feel it’s time to let people know.
Who are you?
Who are you?
Friday, April 16, 2010
My First Follower!
I want to give a special shout out to my sister Maelean for following me on my Blog! I love you and appreciate having you as a sister. You are so important in my life and the hundreds of miles apart we are will never come between us. In honor of you I want to dedicate this special poem to you. Keep taking good care of my little nieces and nephew and by the way call me back! (lol)
This is for you!
Before I start I must say I searched high and low, website to website, but no poem or words could express how much you mean to me. So here I go freestyle…
There’s so much love in my heart
That I don’t quite know where to start
Sister, the apple of my eye
I love you with all my might
We have grown and evolved in many ways
Oh how I remember the days
You are a reflection of me
And never ashamed of your versatility
You’re a beautiful women, much more than a friend
So up to God, my blessings I send
I don’t have to hide my feeling or put on a disguise
Which makes me so very grateful for having you in my life
I’m not a poet just your Sister and best friend
So unfortunately this poem I must end!
I dedicate this poem to show how much you mean to me.
I Love You!
This is for you!
Before I start I must say I searched high and low, website to website, but no poem or words could express how much you mean to me. So here I go freestyle…
There’s so much love in my heart
That I don’t quite know where to start
Sister, the apple of my eye
I love you with all my might
We have grown and evolved in many ways
Oh how I remember the days
You are a reflection of me
And never ashamed of your versatility
You’re a beautiful women, much more than a friend
So up to God, my blessings I send
I don’t have to hide my feeling or put on a disguise
Which makes me so very grateful for having you in my life
I’m not a poet just your Sister and best friend
So unfortunately this poem I must end!
I dedicate this poem to show how much you mean to me.
I Love You!
The Lovely Things in Life- Week 8 & 9
Realizing and appreciating all the many blessings for each and every aspect of my life. I have heard many stories of bad news seriously affecting the health of many love ones and I Thank God for all he's done for me!
Spring Break! Wow is all I can say....I stayed so busy enjoying the much needed time off, there was no time for blogging!
Spring Cleaning- almost complete, the majority done thanks to all the help from My Dear.
Tyler Perry's Why Did I Get Married Too! OMG that movie was great. Four stars from me.
Back to School and DayCare for the little ones!
Finally done with another dose of anibiotics for my little girl! Sometimes you don't realize how hindering antibiotics 2x's per day 10 day in a row can be....
Enjoying all the wonderful feedback and success of my future Book Club!
Well until next time, sit back, realize, and enjoy the Lovely Things in Life!
Spring Break! Wow is all I can say....I stayed so busy enjoying the much needed time off, there was no time for blogging!
Spring Cleaning- almost complete, the majority done thanks to all the help from My Dear.
Tyler Perry's Why Did I Get Married Too! OMG that movie was great. Four stars from me.
Back to School and DayCare for the little ones!
Finally done with another dose of anibiotics for my little girl! Sometimes you don't realize how hindering antibiotics 2x's per day 10 day in a row can be....
Enjoying all the wonderful feedback and success of my future Book Club!
Well until next time, sit back, realize, and enjoy the Lovely Things in Life!
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
A Prayer for Cancer
Lately, not a week goes by without hearing about the serious obstacles that another life dear to me faces. Please cherish your time and life because the next day is not promised to you. Pray for the strength of those that have serious health issues to face day in and day out.
As a cancer survivor myself, I know the pain and suffering that these women will go through. This is not just a physical pain, it will affect every aspect of their emotional well being also. But I know just like myself that with our Savior Jesus Christ on their side, they will too make it through also.
Dear Lord Jesus our Divine Healer. In your goodness and kindness, please intercede for Diane, Sue and Niomi who is suffering from cancer.
If it is God's will, I ask that this day, the gift of healing be granted to Diane, Sue and Niomi. Comfort them during times of unbearable pain, and Lord Jesus grant them peace and patience in suffering. You are the Miracle Worker and I ask you to look in favor of these suffering hearts. Quickly and completely restore them to health. Intercede with them so that they do not face there pain alone. Give them the healing remedies that may benefit them while they are sick. I ask your blessing upon the prescribed medicine so they may experience healing.
Let restoration take place in the lives of these young women, in Jesus Mighty Name AMEN!
Friday, April 2, 2010
The Lovely Things in Life- Week 7
No More Binkie for the Baby!- What a tremendous difference in every aspect of our lives.
Is that all? Yes thats all! Better week coming soon!(I hope)
Is that all? Yes thats all! Better week coming soon!(I hope)
Monday, March 29, 2010
Never Let Your Memories be Greater than Your Dreams- Part 2
So I didn’t get much feedback on the first post: Part 1 of Never let your memories be greater than your dreams…. But moving on, I would like to close out this topic by talking a little bit about why you shouldn’t allow your memories to be greater than….
Memories are something that will never be taken away from you. They belong to you-so it’s perfectly fine to have them. You can bring them up whenever you want and tuck them away whenever you want. They are in the responsibility of your loving tender care. So why work so hard and stress over negative ones? Why live in a fantasy world, thinking the same foolishness you’ve had in the past should be allowed to be part of your life again? You no longer have to have regrets of the mistakes you made, the embarrassment you’ve been through, the people you’ve dealt with because you’ve moved on.
You have dreams, dreams of becoming a better person for your own good. You do not have to harbor negative energy from the past. It is perfectly fine to cherish those moments that brought so much joy and positive energy into your life. A lot of memories contain good times with family and friends, so work toward keeping these PRESENT in your life. Don’t live on reminiscing on memories- make them a part of your everyday life. Keep your focus and work towards that greater meaning of your life, and if it doesn’t fit into your master plan, LET THEM GO!
Dream on-it’s much more worth it!
Memories are something that will never be taken away from you. They belong to you-so it’s perfectly fine to have them. You can bring them up whenever you want and tuck them away whenever you want. They are in the responsibility of your loving tender care. So why work so hard and stress over negative ones? Why live in a fantasy world, thinking the same foolishness you’ve had in the past should be allowed to be part of your life again? You no longer have to have regrets of the mistakes you made, the embarrassment you’ve been through, the people you’ve dealt with because you’ve moved on.
You have dreams, dreams of becoming a better person for your own good. You do not have to harbor negative energy from the past. It is perfectly fine to cherish those moments that brought so much joy and positive energy into your life. A lot of memories contain good times with family and friends, so work toward keeping these PRESENT in your life. Don’t live on reminiscing on memories- make them a part of your everyday life. Keep your focus and work towards that greater meaning of your life, and if it doesn’t fit into your master plan, LET THEM GO!
Dream on-it’s much more worth it!
Friday, March 26, 2010
The Lovely Things in Life- Week 6
Partaking in the Dunamis Church experience.
Seeing my bosses from both Chicago and San Diego all in a weeks time- and of course all the lovely lunches they provided.
More preparation for Spring Break- its exciting just to plan!
Easter shopping for my little bunnies- unfortunatley I have to return some dresses, they get prettier and prettier at every store!
Witnessing my little boy growing in Christ. He feels like a preacher with his suits on-how does he distinguish that from just feeling handsome?!
I hope that you can also look back at your week and realize the lovely things in your life! Until next time have fun and enjoy!
Seeing my bosses from both Chicago and San Diego all in a weeks time- and of course all the lovely lunches they provided.
More preparation for Spring Break- its exciting just to plan!
Easter shopping for my little bunnies- unfortunatley I have to return some dresses, they get prettier and prettier at every store!
Witnessing my little boy growing in Christ. He feels like a preacher with his suits on-how does he distinguish that from just feeling handsome?!
I hope that you can also look back at your week and realize the lovely things in your life! Until next time have fun and enjoy!
Monday, March 22, 2010
Just When You Think You Got It Bad....
Wow, is what I say to thinking I'm having a miserable day and that there is nothing any one could say or do to make it any better. I really thank God and give him the highest praise for each and every blessing that he's given me. For keeping me and my family safe and healthy. For allowing us another day on his Earth to enjoy our lives, family, and friends. For keeping us out of the hospitals and under his care. I say all this because I came over to look at my blog this morning and I was checking the most recent updates on my "I Likes" visited blog list to maybe get some inspiration to help me along the way today, I ran into The Queen B's most recent post on the terrible situation that her family is going through at this time. They are getting much needed prayer that the situation improves and they make it through. I know she doesn't mind that I spread the need of prayer along to my fellow bloggers, family, and friends. I hope you all take this with you today and realize just like I had to how bad your situation ISN'T, and that you could be going through so much worse. Thank God for keeping you and your family safe and out of harms way. Thank him for your healthy state no matter how much improvement you think you need. Live life to the fullest and don't let another unworthy situation determine your state of being knowing that the next day or moment is not promised to you.
Friday, March 19, 2010
The Lovely Things in Life - Week 5
Confused, well I skipped week 4 last Friday. I'm not sure why.....? But lets move on to week 5 because we can't live in the past.
The celebration of my little boy's 7th birthday!
The movie Brooklyn's Finest. OMG!
An extra hour of sunlight. Oh yeah that's what I'm talking about.
My first service at my our new building. It feels so comfortable to finally be in an actual church for service. I love it!
Launching my new Book Club-Busy Women Reading, check out the blog! I anticipate this to be so much fun for the future.
The celebration of my little boy's 7th birthday!
The movie Brooklyn's Finest. OMG!
An extra hour of sunlight. Oh yeah that's what I'm talking about.
My first service at my our new building. It feels so comfortable to finally be in an actual church for service. I love it!
Launching my new Book Club-Busy Women Reading, check out the blog! I anticipate this to be so much fun for the future.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
So I didn't wear green today, so I got pinched?! So what, whatcha going to do about it....that was the last thing on my mind as I frantically got ready for this heck of day.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Dear Young Ladies-Represent Yourself and make someone proud!

I write this for a special someone that deserves to hear this message today. You are beautiful, you have so much potential. You are living life, but is it to its fullest? Not meaning doing all you can do bad, but all you can do with good intentions. You will find someday that you have regrets and you’ve made mistakes, but don’t make them in vain. Let your mistakes be ones that you learn from, that can teach your fellow family and friends to not to go down the same path. You have been through so much lately, being a teenager alone but the day will come and your breakthrough is on its way. Keep the love in your heart. Do not build anger and sadness, it is not worth it and it will only hurt you more in the long run. You have beautiful dreams and aspirations and one day you will see your success. Let each and every day be another step closer to that ultimate dream. Do not give up on your dreams, they will come true. You have it in your heart to be all you can be. You can have so much fun experiencing each and every journey you will go on. Build you way, be creative and keep your eye on the prize. Real friendships will be built, family will support you, and love will come on time. I love you!
Friday, March 12, 2010
Busy, Busy, Busy!
I have been extremely busy lately between planning vacations, launching my new Book Club, getting ready for little boy Paige to turn the big #7!, sick kids(again) and not being up to good health myself, work of course and all the other daily things to do that never disappear, can you imagine!? Everything is happening all at once, March will be over before you know it. And then comes the much needed Spring break that I am waiting so impatiently for (lol!)
So my little boy's birthday falls on a Sunday this year, how do I explain to him that we will be celebrating Friday going into Saturday? So I say since your birthday falls on a Sunday and were not having a party this year, you'll celebrate with a sleep over Friday and lots of fun Saturday. Sunday will be our usual family day. This year will not be a big shebang! Just him a couple of games, maybe bowling, pizza and good ole' quality time with a couple of his best buddies. Well no luck, he equates that with "so I'm not celebrating ON my birthday?" I say "your one of the lucky ones that will celebrate before your birthday even gets here", so he says "wow that will be fun, but I'm not celebrating ON my birthday?" OK so I changed the conversation because I ran out of ways to explain it and quite frankly I'm don't owe any more explanations. The point is were celebrating and eventually he'll get it.....My Dear will find lots of ways to keep them excited and busy this weekend, I'll leave that to his imagination.
So I hope for things to smooth out and get back on topic soon with the blogging, but until then, keep your focus and your eye on the prize.
So my little boy's birthday falls on a Sunday this year, how do I explain to him that we will be celebrating Friday going into Saturday? So I say since your birthday falls on a Sunday and were not having a party this year, you'll celebrate with a sleep over Friday and lots of fun Saturday. Sunday will be our usual family day. This year will not be a big shebang! Just him a couple of games, maybe bowling, pizza and good ole' quality time with a couple of his best buddies. Well no luck, he equates that with "so I'm not celebrating ON my birthday?" I say "your one of the lucky ones that will celebrate before your birthday even gets here", so he says "wow that will be fun, but I'm not celebrating ON my birthday?" OK so I changed the conversation because I ran out of ways to explain it and quite frankly I'm don't owe any more explanations. The point is were celebrating and eventually he'll get it.....My Dear will find lots of ways to keep them excited and busy this weekend, I'll leave that to his imagination.
So I hope for things to smooth out and get back on topic soon with the blogging, but until then, keep your focus and your eye on the prize.
Friday, March 5, 2010
The Lovely Things In Life-Week 3
Oh how the time passes so quickly! 3 Weeks already!?
The sad, but much needed end to UPwards Basketball League Season- I swear I played in many of the games right along with my little boy...I'm exhausted
Kareokee! I guess I really can't sing
And getting my voice back
Taking in part in the preparation of moving to our new Church Building-check out the link on my sidebar.
Finding a background for my blog, all that empty space was driving me wild!
Well until next time, as always live your dream and may they be excellent!
The sad, but much needed end to UPwards Basketball League Season- I swear I played in many of the games right along with my little boy...I'm exhausted
Kareokee! I guess I really can't sing
And getting my voice back
Taking in part in the preparation of moving to our new Church Building-check out the link on my sidebar.
Finding a background for my blog, all that empty space was driving me wild!
Well until next time, as always live your dream and may they be excellent!
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Stop Being Lazy People!
OK this post goes out to those people that annoy the heck out of me with some of the decisions they make. Don't worry its not you!, but rather the people that will probably not be reading this blog.
Lets start by saying that I perform some of the same activities each day and day after day, I see people being just utterly lazy. Why?? I understand that some day it rains or snows, your not feeling well, may be your child is trying your hardest to get on your nerves and you just need to do something really fast. I agree that these are excuses and most we all use at one time or another, but is it really necessary to have an excuse everyday? To block 3 parking spaces everyday to bring your child into daycare?? Causing other parents to have to park further or be just flat out annoyed at you. I'm not sure if your aware of your surroundings, but I am and this annoys the crap out of me, and that could be why I look at you that way or don't bother to even say Hi. That is just lazy and everyday can't possibly be an excuse day. What about my excuse day? Like when it snowed? and I had to park even further away because the parent in the car decided to use 2 to 3 spaces close to the entrance for her excuse day. What about the parent who is the passenger and the driver sits at the entrance in other parents way waiting for them to come out taking up unnecessary parking spots? (you already have the convenience of getting a ride) and where's the love for the parents that have 3 kid (yes I said 3) all daycare age? Do they get any leeway? Because I became so aware of my surroundings I don't even attempt to park in a spot next to the entrance for the sake of those that really could use the bit of a break.
Come on people, lets stop being so lazy and become more aware of our surroundings. All in all its not worth it, it may get you by that one day, but could ruin a relationship the next. Are we really benefiting from being lazy all the time, I vote no, but if you feel differently feel free to leave a comment.
I'm done complaining....
Lets start by saying that I perform some of the same activities each day and day after day, I see people being just utterly lazy. Why?? I understand that some day it rains or snows, your not feeling well, may be your child is trying your hardest to get on your nerves and you just need to do something really fast. I agree that these are excuses and most we all use at one time or another, but is it really necessary to have an excuse everyday? To block 3 parking spaces everyday to bring your child into daycare?? Causing other parents to have to park further or be just flat out annoyed at you. I'm not sure if your aware of your surroundings, but I am and this annoys the crap out of me, and that could be why I look at you that way or don't bother to even say Hi. That is just lazy and everyday can't possibly be an excuse day. What about my excuse day? Like when it snowed? and I had to park even further away because the parent in the car decided to use 2 to 3 spaces close to the entrance for her excuse day. What about the parent who is the passenger and the driver sits at the entrance in other parents way waiting for them to come out taking up unnecessary parking spots? (you already have the convenience of getting a ride) and where's the love for the parents that have 3 kid (yes I said 3) all daycare age? Do they get any leeway? Because I became so aware of my surroundings I don't even attempt to park in a spot next to the entrance for the sake of those that really could use the bit of a break.
Come on people, lets stop being so lazy and become more aware of our surroundings. All in all its not worth it, it may get you by that one day, but could ruin a relationship the next. Are we really benefiting from being lazy all the time, I vote no, but if you feel differently feel free to leave a comment.
I'm done complaining....
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
A New Season
All I can say is OMG! I cannot wait for March 14th 2010 (Spring Begins) is also my little boys 7th Birthday.
I'll try to stay on the topic of the Spring Season (I might go a little on the deep-end at times)
I mentioned in a previous post that this has been a harsh winter in the Carolina's and I really needed this to get back to normal/average. Well my request still stands. I (we) deserve it don't we?
See we go through Seasons or cycles in order to keep a proper balance in life and to experience change and without it we'd only have a constant, exhausting pace of life.
That brings me to say I am exhausted, through no fault of my own of course, but I'm ready to be balanced. I'm open to new ideas about how to get and maintain this balance. Through the many challenges in life, how do you find the proper balance and enjoy all the fruits of life? Sometimes I feel like I'm just merely existing, but I want to be excited about each and every aspect of life. I know at times there are some things that are not worth the excitement, but for the most part you know what I mean. Sometimes my main problem may be my mind. Not accepting in my mind some of the daily tasks that it takes to make it through the day. If only we could learn to accept that you have do some of the simple things such as dishes on a daily basis and be happy about it, because its likely that that activity will never change. It will always be ready and waiting to be done. A constant conversation with my son in regards to things he doesn't want to do or deal with goes this way although he is sometimes too young to understand:
Good Morning! Its time to wake up and get ready for school
Um, I'm tired I don't want to get up...(mind you, I do make sure my children get there recommended amount of sleep)
Well you have to, its a weekday and you have school today. You can stay asleep on the weekend.
Oohhh ookay....(still lying is bed)
Come on now Get up
Well can you help me with something?
No, you know the routine, go get started so I can finish up my stuff....
Pleeaassse just one more time???
(Embrace cause here goes my speech):
Listen, stop whining and be the big boy that you are. I don't want to wake you up arguing with you. I want to wake you up and hear some appreciation in your voice. I want you appreciate that you have another fun and exciting day to do all the wonderful things children can do. I want you to be happy about today because there is nothing to be sad about. Everybody's healthy, the sun is shining(sometimes), you have friends and family to see and its better to be happy and not sad and ungrateful because things could be worse.
Well lets just say between his questions in between on what certain things mean and a little more emphasis here and there that's the jest of it.
So I preach it and I wont stop because I know its necessary, but why is it so hard to take your own advice at times? We'll one excuse is, I'm an adult and sometimes I am sick and tired, I don't get my recommended amount of sleep, the sun is not always shining when my eyes open, there are not always fun and exciting things to do...the list could go on. But I am an adult and this is reality and I ready to stop merely existing.
Spring doesn't begin until March 14th, but I have a head start and my New Season begins now. Will yours?
Stay motivated, keep motivating and follow your dreams!
I'll try to stay on the topic of the Spring Season (I might go a little on the deep-end at times)
I mentioned in a previous post that this has been a harsh winter in the Carolina's and I really needed this to get back to normal/average. Well my request still stands. I (we) deserve it don't we?
See we go through Seasons or cycles in order to keep a proper balance in life and to experience change and without it we'd only have a constant, exhausting pace of life.
That brings me to say I am exhausted, through no fault of my own of course, but I'm ready to be balanced. I'm open to new ideas about how to get and maintain this balance. Through the many challenges in life, how do you find the proper balance and enjoy all the fruits of life? Sometimes I feel like I'm just merely existing, but I want to be excited about each and every aspect of life. I know at times there are some things that are not worth the excitement, but for the most part you know what I mean. Sometimes my main problem may be my mind. Not accepting in my mind some of the daily tasks that it takes to make it through the day. If only we could learn to accept that you have do some of the simple things such as dishes on a daily basis and be happy about it, because its likely that that activity will never change. It will always be ready and waiting to be done. A constant conversation with my son in regards to things he doesn't want to do or deal with goes this way although he is sometimes too young to understand:
Good Morning! Its time to wake up and get ready for school
Um, I'm tired I don't want to get up...(mind you, I do make sure my children get there recommended amount of sleep)
Well you have to, its a weekday and you have school today. You can stay asleep on the weekend.
Oohhh ookay....(still lying is bed)
Come on now Get up
Well can you help me with something?
No, you know the routine, go get started so I can finish up my stuff....
Pleeaassse just one more time???
(Embrace cause here goes my speech):
Listen, stop whining and be the big boy that you are. I don't want to wake you up arguing with you. I want to wake you up and hear some appreciation in your voice. I want you appreciate that you have another fun and exciting day to do all the wonderful things children can do. I want you to be happy about today because there is nothing to be sad about. Everybody's healthy, the sun is shining(sometimes), you have friends and family to see and its better to be happy and not sad and ungrateful because things could be worse.
Well lets just say between his questions in between on what certain things mean and a little more emphasis here and there that's the jest of it.
So I preach it and I wont stop because I know its necessary, but why is it so hard to take your own advice at times? We'll one excuse is, I'm an adult and sometimes I am sick and tired, I don't get my recommended amount of sleep, the sun is not always shining when my eyes open, there are not always fun and exciting things to do...the list could go on. But I am an adult and this is reality and I ready to stop merely existing.
Spring doesn't begin until March 14th, but I have a head start and my New Season begins now. Will yours?
Stay motivated, keep motivating and follow your dreams!
Friday, February 26, 2010
Lets Celebrate-CIAA Week Charlotte, NC
There's so much to do, will you get out this weekend and enjoy the festivities with me?
I hope you all get a change to get out and enjoy!
Sorry my New York family, there will be better days, but you can always just sit back and enjoy the beautiful white snow!
CIAA Tournament Charlotte, NC February 23-27th 2010- click here for more details
I hope you all get a change to get out and enjoy!
Sorry my New York family, there will be better days, but you can always just sit back and enjoy the beautiful white snow!

CIAA Tournament Charlotte, NC February 23-27th 2010- click here for more details
Be safe and have fun out there!
The Lovely Things in Life-Week 2
Dinner Theatre-Welcome to Rufus's World
My star Basketball player- Little Paige Jr.
Well that's all folks, this hasn't really been an eventful week. Maybe next time!
My star Basketball player- Little Paige Jr.
Well that's all folks, this hasn't really been an eventful week. Maybe next time!
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Life is a road trip and I'm ready to keep moving
I feel a bit relieve, I've got a few to-do's off my long list of never-ending things to do.
But of course I still have so much more to get done, who doesn't?
This week so far has been one of the busiest yet. So many unexpected things both good and well lets just say uneventful. I'd absolutely agree with erasing the days and starting all over again, but I'm assuming that's not an option. But of course its Thursday, I've made it this far, so why stop moving? I have more to do in the by the end of the weekend than I've already done so far this week, how will I survive?
If only I could detour on my road trip and go to Vegas, or the Bahamas, the beach, I'll settle for a day spa right about now. But I can't because this is real life, and I can't walk away from my responsibilities or my conscience. So I guess I better keep moving. Slow at times, some roads I wont go down at this time, I might even hit a few more dead ends, but I'll just turn around and keep on truckin! You should too!
But of course I still have so much more to get done, who doesn't?
This week so far has been one of the busiest yet. So many unexpected things both good and well lets just say uneventful. I'd absolutely agree with erasing the days and starting all over again, but I'm assuming that's not an option. But of course its Thursday, I've made it this far, so why stop moving? I have more to do in the by the end of the weekend than I've already done so far this week, how will I survive?
If only I could detour on my road trip and go to Vegas, or the Bahamas, the beach, I'll settle for a day spa right about now. But I can't because this is real life, and I can't walk away from my responsibilities or my conscience. So I guess I better keep moving. Slow at times, some roads I wont go down at this time, I might even hit a few more dead ends, but I'll just turn around and keep on truckin! You should too!
Friday, February 19, 2010
In Honor of Black History Month
To often we allow time to slip right past us and before you know it, its too late, you have regrets, you can't turn back....
Don't allow the rest of February to go by and you haven't taken a moment to honor our race. In this modern day world, we seem to consume so much of our selfishness that we lack recognition for the things that we do, the accomplishments we made and the knowledge we once knew. Don't let another day go by, don't let another story be untold about how blacks played a part in our lives, in our past, in our present and the future.
I'm an guilty of being too busy and allowing it to near the end of the month without using my full potential to capture the moments, educate myself, and share my experience with my friends and family. The great thing is its not too late to do so and you don't have to beat yourself up. Join me in honoring the Black Family Pledge. I found this online and can't quote who wrote or was inspired to write this, but its all for good and I wanted to share.
BECAUSE we have forgotten our ancestors,our children no longer give us honor.
BECAUSE we have lost the path our ancestors cleared kneeling in perilous undergrowth, our children cannot find their way.
BECAUSE we have banished the God of our ancestors, our children cannot pray.
BECAUSE the old wails of our ancestors have faded beyond our hearing, our children cannot hear us crying.
BECAUSE we have abandoned our wisdom of mothering and fathering, our befuddled children give birth to children they neither want nor understand.
BECAUSE we have forgotten how to love, the adversary is within our gates, and holds us up to the mirror of the world shouting, "Regard the loveless" Therefore we pledge to bind ourselves to one another, to embrace our lowliest, to keep company with our loneliest, to educate our illiterate, to feed our starving, to clothe our ragged, to do all good things, knowing that we are more than keepers of our brothers and sisters.
We ARE our brothers and sisters.
IN HONOR of those who toiled and implored God with golden tongues,and in gratitude to the same God who brought us out of hopeless desolation, we make this pledge.
Will you too join me in making this Pledge?
Don't allow the rest of February to go by and you haven't taken a moment to honor our race. In this modern day world, we seem to consume so much of our selfishness that we lack recognition for the things that we do, the accomplishments we made and the knowledge we once knew. Don't let another day go by, don't let another story be untold about how blacks played a part in our lives, in our past, in our present and the future.
I'm an guilty of being too busy and allowing it to near the end of the month without using my full potential to capture the moments, educate myself, and share my experience with my friends and family. The great thing is its not too late to do so and you don't have to beat yourself up. Join me in honoring the Black Family Pledge. I found this online and can't quote who wrote or was inspired to write this, but its all for good and I wanted to share.
BECAUSE we have forgotten our ancestors,our children no longer give us honor.
BECAUSE we have lost the path our ancestors cleared kneeling in perilous undergrowth, our children cannot find their way.
BECAUSE we have banished the God of our ancestors, our children cannot pray.
BECAUSE the old wails of our ancestors have faded beyond our hearing, our children cannot hear us crying.
BECAUSE we have abandoned our wisdom of mothering and fathering, our befuddled children give birth to children they neither want nor understand.
BECAUSE we have forgotten how to love, the adversary is within our gates, and holds us up to the mirror of the world shouting, "Regard the loveless" Therefore we pledge to bind ourselves to one another, to embrace our lowliest, to keep company with our loneliest, to educate our illiterate, to feed our starving, to clothe our ragged, to do all good things, knowing that we are more than keepers of our brothers and sisters.
We ARE our brothers and sisters.
IN HONOR of those who toiled and implored God with golden tongues,and in gratitude to the same God who brought us out of hopeless desolation, we make this pledge.
Will you too join me in making this Pledge?
The Lovely Things in Life Weekly Post
Girl Scout cookies- Tag Alongs to be exact
My little boy winning another basketball game and me being so into it baby girl's squirming didn't bother me
The movie: Couples RetreatHaving lunch with My Dear
My Career
The expectation of good weather this weekend
Sister Davis' homemade original Cheesecake
The Griffins homemade chili with ground turkey
Is food my top pick of the week? Uh oh, we have to work on that and the consequences of eating too many Girl Scout Cookies...lol
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
You've got to see this!
Ok, sorry but this one is for the family back North. After all my hopes for better weather, Oh no it didn't! Oh Yes it did!!! Again. Snow!!!!! Real flaky, light snow. Not that slush or freezing rain. Its the second time around. Boy were my little ones over excited especially my little boy. Well family this is for you, enjoy and don't rub it in. Its unbelievable, but don't forget the grass is greener on THIS side. Literally, its gone already.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Let The Good Times Roll
I am officially ready for the cold weather to be over. I can’t digest anymore of it; I don’t want to deal with it much longer. Being from Central New York, I shouldn't complain , but I know God sent me South for a reason and I’m sure it was to receive one of the many blessing he has in store for me-such as getting away from the long and treacherous winters.
I miss my friends and neighbors, I miss outings with the kids outdoors, and I miss walking the neighborhood showing my children nature without being afraid they’ll get sick. By the way, how can they get the max of their physical activity if they can’t run around outside? My little one-18months is frustrated because she sees it(the outdoors), but can’t experience it just yet. I miss My Dear cooking out- preparing and grilling the best Baby back ribs I’ve ever tasted! I miss comfortable time on my patio. I miss the birds chirping in the mornings. I’m ready to plant my Garden this Spring and try something new.
Don’t get me wrong, I’ve had and will continue to have many great experiences this winter, but I feel I’ve been limited. There were Good times, but let’s get moving old man winter, roll along and turn over some warm weather, allow my family along with many more to live and enjoy every day to our fullest potential.
I miss my friends and neighbors, I miss outings with the kids outdoors, and I miss walking the neighborhood showing my children nature without being afraid they’ll get sick. By the way, how can they get the max of their physical activity if they can’t run around outside? My little one-18months is frustrated because she sees it(the outdoors), but can’t experience it just yet. I miss My Dear cooking out- preparing and grilling the best Baby back ribs I’ve ever tasted! I miss comfortable time on my patio. I miss the birds chirping in the mornings. I’m ready to plant my Garden this Spring and try something new.
Don’t get me wrong, I’ve had and will continue to have many great experiences this winter, but I feel I’ve been limited. There were Good times, but let’s get moving old man winter, roll along and turn over some warm weather, allow my family along with many more to live and enjoy every day to our fullest potential.
Friday, February 5, 2010
Every time I talk to my Aunt back home, we have a conversation about how my health is. I've been through some things for those that know me, but with Jesus as my Savior, I know that he is keeping his loving arms around me, protecting me, and helping me along my journey. Well at this time I have to be blessed about the obstacles I encountered and recovered from, but also confront the current ongoing struggles. And then reality hits...
Now that brings me to the fact that I have been in denial....I've had some aches and pains that I've encountered in the last- lets say over two year....I've had to put off some things, cancel some appointments, get mad at some doctors, ignore their prognosis/diagnosis and treatment plan in order to take care of other things in my life.
I do try hard not to stress or let things bother me and I must admit, I've been successful for the most part, but the time has come to start addressing my next moves and I'm ready! I embrace that I have the time, opportunity and resources to start taking more responsibility of my health- not that I'm not doing that now. But there is a lot more to address. More appointments to be made, physical therapy to go to, possible minor surgeries, and treatment plans to follow. I choose to end this denial immediately and get back on the path.
I want to be a better me as the years go on, I want to be healthy physically and medically. I want to be here on this earth for many many years and in my best condition ever! If you find that you are in denial about some aspect of you life. Address your concerns, find a plan and get on track.
Jeremiah 29:11 says
"For I know the plans I have for you," says the Lord. "They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope."
Now that brings me to the fact that I have been in denial....I've had some aches and pains that I've encountered in the last- lets say over two year....I've had to put off some things, cancel some appointments, get mad at some doctors, ignore their prognosis/diagnosis and treatment plan in order to take care of other things in my life.
I do try hard not to stress or let things bother me and I must admit, I've been successful for the most part, but the time has come to start addressing my next moves and I'm ready! I embrace that I have the time, opportunity and resources to start taking more responsibility of my health- not that I'm not doing that now. But there is a lot more to address. More appointments to be made, physical therapy to go to, possible minor surgeries, and treatment plans to follow. I choose to end this denial immediately and get back on the path.
I want to be a better me as the years go on, I want to be healthy physically and medically. I want to be here on this earth for many many years and in my best condition ever! If you find that you are in denial about some aspect of you life. Address your concerns, find a plan and get on track.
Jeremiah 29:11 says
"For I know the plans I have for you," says the Lord. "They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope."
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Its raining, Its pouring, I have been snoring.......
I just busted another goal of waking up on this week at 6:00 am in order to stop my morning rush and frustration of not having enough time to get ready and out the door on time.
I'm in the making excuses mode so I'll take my frustration out now, before I have to snap back to reality. It all started Monday, because of inclement weather, our School District was closed, so was the day care. So all I could do was let the kids stay asleep and go back to sleep. How fun! An unexpected, lazy day off.
As excited as I was about having Monday off, I thought I'd be off to a good start today. Well as my alarm went off this morning, I looked at the clock only to see the numbers 6:00 AM on the display. I thought there's no way, it was still dark, raining and I was still sleepy. SNOOZE! 5 minutes later again RRRINNNNNG!!!!!!!! I hit SNOOZE again. 6:10 AM after taking a deep breathe, I set my alarm for 6:35 AM, I figured it couldn't hurt my time too much, My Dear and the kids were still sleep and I could get another twenty five minutes of well deserved sleep.
As the alarm went off at 6:35 I wanted to cry out- Nooooooooooo, not yet, I'm STILL sleepyyyyyyyy...... but then I had to think about the kids, their school, My Dear and my career/job. I looked out my window only to see the rain and darkness that still hovered over our house. No wonder I was so sleepy after getting about 8 hours of shut eye...
Time management has been one of my New Year resolutions and as you can see, I'm struggling with this aspect of it. I know we all have some goals or tasks that seem impossible to accomplish, and this is one goal that continues to be a hard one for me. But one day, I hope to have it down and tackled. Keep praying for me and I'll do the same for you.
I'm in the making excuses mode so I'll take my frustration out now, before I have to snap back to reality. It all started Monday, because of inclement weather, our School District was closed, so was the day care. So all I could do was let the kids stay asleep and go back to sleep. How fun! An unexpected, lazy day off.
As excited as I was about having Monday off, I thought I'd be off to a good start today. Well as my alarm went off this morning, I looked at the clock only to see the numbers 6:00 AM on the display. I thought there's no way, it was still dark, raining and I was still sleepy. SNOOZE! 5 minutes later again RRRINNNNNG!!!!!!!! I hit SNOOZE again. 6:10 AM after taking a deep breathe, I set my alarm for 6:35 AM, I figured it couldn't hurt my time too much, My Dear and the kids were still sleep and I could get another twenty five minutes of well deserved sleep.
As the alarm went off at 6:35 I wanted to cry out- Nooooooooooo, not yet, I'm STILL sleepyyyyyyyy...... but then I had to think about the kids, their school, My Dear and my career/job. I looked out my window only to see the rain and darkness that still hovered over our house. No wonder I was so sleepy after getting about 8 hours of shut eye...
Time management has been one of my New Year resolutions and as you can see, I'm struggling with this aspect of it. I know we all have some goals or tasks that seem impossible to accomplish, and this is one goal that continues to be a hard one for me. But one day, I hope to have it down and tackled. Keep praying for me and I'll do the same for you.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Viruses, Vomit, Fevers, Oh My!
What is going on lately? Almost everyone in my household has been sick. Ugh! I've been trying to disinfect as much as possible, boy I hope it works. I cannot afford-literally for anyone else to get sick including me. I've probably hit a record for the most doctor appointments in one week. No more stickers or lollipops for us, we've hit our max. We'll until everyone recoups I'm laying low. Until then, allow me to jump this obstacles while you continue to tackle yours.
Much love and stay healthy!
Much love and stay healthy!
Monday, January 25, 2010
Never let your memories be greater than your dreams Part 1
What does this mean? Maybe I can help. We all carry many memories. Most from our childhood for many of the middle-aged, friendships carry both positive and negative, family most important and most memorable. For those of you today that carry a lot of negative memories or possibly have some memories that you struggle to recover from, this is for you.
If you go back a few post, you'll see where you can connect this. At some point in our lives we all struggled with meeting our goals. We've come upon many obstacles. Sometimes our dreams are too far from our reach, so we give up- at times too easily. I want to encourage you to stay on track. Embrace your memories, learn from them, seek to build your dreams and future from your memories. Allow them to be your foundation and not the ending effect. For those of you that want to rid your mind, drop your grudges and seek happiness in living your dream take a moment to get one last thought of those negative memories and allow your dreams to take over and plan for your future. But remember that just because you have memories, it doesn't have to rule your life or be your life. We will all have to take responsibility one day and speak for ourselves. What will be your reason for the way you live/lived your life, and make your decisions and is it sufficient.
There will be many different ways of interpreting this statement. How will you interpret it? How can you relate it to an aspect of your life?
Keep dreaming......look for more on this coming soon
If you go back a few post, you'll see where you can connect this. At some point in our lives we all struggled with meeting our goals. We've come upon many obstacles. Sometimes our dreams are too far from our reach, so we give up- at times too easily. I want to encourage you to stay on track. Embrace your memories, learn from them, seek to build your dreams and future from your memories. Allow them to be your foundation and not the ending effect. For those of you that want to rid your mind, drop your grudges and seek happiness in living your dream take a moment to get one last thought of those negative memories and allow your dreams to take over and plan for your future. But remember that just because you have memories, it doesn't have to rule your life or be your life. We will all have to take responsibility one day and speak for ourselves. What will be your reason for the way you live/lived your life, and make your decisions and is it sufficient.
There will be many different ways of interpreting this statement. How will you interpret it? How can you relate it to an aspect of your life?
Keep dreaming......look for more on this coming soon
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Any Suggestions?
I am looking for a good book to read, a really really good book. Maybe something pertaining to real life drama, something I can learn from, something that can inspire me, something that can lead me to my dream..... I have a gift card I received for Christmas and feel its time I put it to use. I don't want to waste it on a boring read, so help me out. If you have any suggestions feel free to leave a comment. Enjoy the rest of your day, I'll let you know what I decided soon.
Much Love.....
Much Love.....
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Lets not take anything for granted
I wanted to take a moment today to send this message to everyone out there that has the ability to access a computer or email. Sometimes we don’t realize how blessed we truly are. We underestimate our lives and situations and don’t take the opportunity to be thankful for each and every moment we take a breath. So if you feel you are going through some trials and tribulations right now, there are other going through worse. So take a moment of silence and pray for those that may be going through worse, give praise for each and every blessing you have received so far, and stay focused and on the right path because the next day is not promised. You don’t want to miss out on what God has in store for us over a minor obstacle. A friend of mines sent this to me this morning and I wanted to spread the word.
Keep the prayer going....
Lord, I just want to say THANK YOU, because this morning I woke up and knew where my children were. Because this morning my home was still standing, because this morning I am not crying because my husband, my child, my brother or sister needs to be buried out from underneath a pile of concrete, because this morning I was able to drink a glass of water, because this morning I was able to turn on the light, because this morning I was able to take a shower, because this morning I was not planning a funeral, but most of all I thank you this morning because I still have life and a voice to cry out for the people of Haiti. Lord I cry out to you, the one that makes the impossible, possible, the one that turns darkness in to light, I cry out that you give those mothers strength, that you give them peace that surpasses all understanding, that you may open the streets so that help can come, that you may provide doctors, nurses, food, water, and all that they need in a blink of an eye. For all those that have lost family members, give them peace, give them hope, give them courage to continue to go on! Protect the children and shield them with your power.
I pray all this in the name of Jesus!!!
To all my friends please continue to forward this so that we can pray together for the people in Haiti.
We here are truly blessed!!!!!
Keep the prayer going....
Lord, I just want to say THANK YOU, because this morning I woke up and knew where my children were. Because this morning my home was still standing, because this morning I am not crying because my husband, my child, my brother or sister needs to be buried out from underneath a pile of concrete, because this morning I was able to drink a glass of water, because this morning I was able to turn on the light, because this morning I was able to take a shower, because this morning I was not planning a funeral, but most of all I thank you this morning because I still have life and a voice to cry out for the people of Haiti. Lord I cry out to you, the one that makes the impossible, possible, the one that turns darkness in to light, I cry out that you give those mothers strength, that you give them peace that surpasses all understanding, that you may open the streets so that help can come, that you may provide doctors, nurses, food, water, and all that they need in a blink of an eye. For all those that have lost family members, give them peace, give them hope, give them courage to continue to go on! Protect the children and shield them with your power.
I pray all this in the name of Jesus!!!
To all my friends please continue to forward this so that we can pray together for the people in Haiti.
We here are truly blessed!!!!!
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
When convenience can become a loss....
This morning I pray for the strength to not only be able to encourage other hearts, but to also take my own advice. Its hard at times to stay focused and I admit take my own advice, but hear me out and we can all pray our Father strengthens both me and you. So I speak today on the terms: convenience (suitability for performing an action or fulfilling an requirement) , and when it can become a loss (the state or fact of being destroyed).
This was laid on my heart this morning because I realized how important my cell phone was to me just recently. I use it as alarm clock, not only to wake me up but also to remind me take my meds every morning, afternoon, and night; reminder of an upcoming event(someones b-day soon!); to check my email- you never know when your child's teacher might need to get in touch with you or other important communications from the school; its my tip calculator; a voice recorder-don't lose out on any more of those great ideas/ or important task you don't have time to write down; I can check the weather, surf the web, search the yellow pages for an address or phone number, listen to one of my favorite songs-its a MP3 player!, snap a quick photo-Isn't this sun set absolutely beautiful?
Did I forget to mention a navigation system! I must admit I still get lost far to often being a Charlotte resident of almost 4 years and I hate the forks in the road. One day I hope to get the Sunset exits 16A and B right!
So getting to my point of this post is that my cell phone is a convenience for me and many many others in this day and age and sometimes we seem to get a little too comfortable with this convenience, taking shortcuts and cutting corners and losing out on the real purpose or intention of a specific task and we can't figure out why we don't get the same results as we would if we didn't have this convenience. We sometimes allow these possessions to destroy us or make us lose sight of goals or everyday purpose.
If you also have been blessed with an material object or resource, be thankful, be appreciative of those blessing and don't become greedy. I am grateful that I have the resources to help me along the way, but not so dependent on them to control my every move or activity. I choose to not get so comfortable because it can be destroyed at any given time never to be available again. This is not only for cell phones but for whatever material object in your life that you are becoming too dependent upon.
Proverbs 12:27
The lazy man does not roast his game, but the diligent man prizes his possessions.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
I'm an Aunt Again!!!

Welcome Makayla, the newest edition to my family. It feels absolutely wonderful to be an Aunt again. I am very thankful for the people God has placed in my life and I take responsibility to be a positive role model for the children in my family, so that they may have someone they can look up to or reach out to in the need of support. I will continue to spread and encourage them and all children I come in contact with, with my blessings from God. I haven't seen my nieces and nephews nor any of my family from Syracuse and surrounding areas in while now and I want to make that trip before a year sets in, so help me in praying that me, honey, and the kids can make it up that way safe and soon.
Much love
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
A New Day a New Beginning
Welcome back after what I pray was a wonderful weekend for all. Did you dream this weekend? Did you dream dreams of guidance, fantasies or perhaps nightmares? What did your dreams mean to you? Did they encourage you? Ask yourself these questions, understand the meaning of dreams, your dreams. If perhaps your dreams didn't encourage or inspire you to take a leap of faith, allow me.
Today is a new day, regardless of what you've been through- negative and unbearable, you are here today, and through the Lord Jesus Christ you have the strength to move forward. You have not came this far on your journey to just give in and and give up. Continue to work towards your dreams/goal/resolutions. There is always a challenging point somewhere in all situation worthwhile, but you must stay strong, stay focused, and bypass those obstacles as they will always pop up. MAKE YOUR DREAMS A REALITY!
Today is a new day, regardless of what you've been through- negative and unbearable, you are here today, and through the Lord Jesus Christ you have the strength to move forward. You have not came this far on your journey to just give in and and give up. Continue to work towards your dreams/goal/resolutions. There is always a challenging point somewhere in all situation worthwhile, but you must stay strong, stay focused, and bypass those obstacles as they will always pop up. MAKE YOUR DREAMS A REALITY!
Friday, January 8, 2010
Greetings to all!
Well everyone, this week has offically come to an end and has been a very challenging one at that. I plan on recouping this weekend and pulling myself back together. I hadn't quite realized until now how positive yoga could be for your mind, body and spirit. I've always heard, but I guess I had to experience it for myself. See its minor things like that, that can bring you back to life from a challenging week. When I walked into class I attemped to release all negativety. Isn't it amazing how hard it is to stay positive? Well this post is my final release (I hope!) of such a hectic week.
So what I leave you with today is my reason for the challenges my family has been through lately.
A well respected friend of mines laid this message on my heart and soul and through the grace of God, I will be obiedient!
"To those of you today who find yourself with a heavy heart, tired, worn, drained, exhausted and/or in need of a time out, this message IS for you. You were placed on my heart today and I speak every necessary adjustment of your perspective (how you see things), perception (your understanding of what you see) and focus (what you’re concentrating on).
Standing in the midst of a sea of hands, you find most of them in the position of receiving. Some clasped together, some flat and some beckoning to be filled. As you move about the surrounding sea, you pour into them hoping to run across one extended in the position of releasing. For as you take notice of how much you’ve given and the appearance of the little that remains, you begin to fear you shall soon run out. The faces attached to some of the hands and the responses once filled can sometimes become disheartening. There are some that have been filled and still stand demanding more with no regard for the others who have yet to receive and have no concern for what appears to be the little left to supply. But remember, to be not weary in well doing, for you shall reap a harvest if you faint not.
Faint ~ (1) Lacking brightness, vividness, clearness, loudness, strength, etc. (2) Feeble or slight: faint resistance; faint praise; a faint resemblance. (3) Feeling weak, dizzy, or exhausted; about to lose consciousness: faint with hunger. (4) Lacking courage; cowardly; timorous: Faint heart never won fair maid. (5) Law. Unfounded: a faint action.
If you accurately look at what’s been given and what was left, you would see that even it was more than you had to give. You are one of God’s resources (Something or someone that can be used for support or help) and not the source of their supply. This does not excuse the heart of the ungrateful or unappreciative. God knows their heart and will deal with them accordingly. But what this does is protect your harvest by keeping your heart fixed on the heart of the matter. In this, let me also encourage you to shift your focus on today. Take refuge and find hope in the hand that has gently reached through your back and securely wrapped around your heart. As long as your heart is to share with God’s people, His is fixed on supplying your every need. As you pour into them it’s not of yourself you pour, but He pours of Himself through you. See you’re a yielded vessel submitted unto the King to do the Kingdom business in the earth. Your only assignment is to listen for His voice, be it a still small one or surround sound and obey. It’s not your will being done here, it’s His! See you should only be sowing where He has told you to sow and being careful not to make up your own well doing or good deeds. You should only be where He has lead you to be and not moving about the country on your own accord asking Him to pick up the tab.
Be strong and of GOOD courage. Sow where you expect growth. You should only expect what you hope for. Your hope should only be according to what God spoke/promised. Remember that He is a rewarder of those who diligently ((1) Constant in effort to accomplish something; attentive and persistent in doing anything. (2) Done or pursued with persevering attention; painstaking) seek ((1) To go in search or quest of: to seek the truth. (2) To try to find or discover by searching or questioning. (3) To try to obtain. (4) To go to: to seek a place to rest. (5) To ask for; request: to seek advice. (6) To search or explore.) Him [Hebrews 11:6]. Know that God is a righteous God and will not forget your labor of love [Hebrews 6:10]. Lastly, keep in mind that your expression of love is not according to your measurements of good deeds, but your obedience [John 14:15]."
Much love to each and every heart out there!
So what I leave you with today is my reason for the challenges my family has been through lately.
A well respected friend of mines laid this message on my heart and soul and through the grace of God, I will be obiedient!
"To those of you today who find yourself with a heavy heart, tired, worn, drained, exhausted and/or in need of a time out, this message IS for you. You were placed on my heart today and I speak every necessary adjustment of your perspective (how you see things), perception (your understanding of what you see) and focus (what you’re concentrating on).
Standing in the midst of a sea of hands, you find most of them in the position of receiving. Some clasped together, some flat and some beckoning to be filled. As you move about the surrounding sea, you pour into them hoping to run across one extended in the position of releasing. For as you take notice of how much you’ve given and the appearance of the little that remains, you begin to fear you shall soon run out. The faces attached to some of the hands and the responses once filled can sometimes become disheartening. There are some that have been filled and still stand demanding more with no regard for the others who have yet to receive and have no concern for what appears to be the little left to supply. But remember, to be not weary in well doing, for you shall reap a harvest if you faint not.
Faint ~ (1) Lacking brightness, vividness, clearness, loudness, strength, etc. (2) Feeble or slight: faint resistance; faint praise; a faint resemblance. (3) Feeling weak, dizzy, or exhausted; about to lose consciousness: faint with hunger. (4) Lacking courage; cowardly; timorous: Faint heart never won fair maid. (5) Law. Unfounded: a faint action.
If you accurately look at what’s been given and what was left, you would see that even it was more than you had to give. You are one of God’s resources (Something or someone that can be used for support or help) and not the source of their supply. This does not excuse the heart of the ungrateful or unappreciative. God knows their heart and will deal with them accordingly. But what this does is protect your harvest by keeping your heart fixed on the heart of the matter. In this, let me also encourage you to shift your focus on today. Take refuge and find hope in the hand that has gently reached through your back and securely wrapped around your heart. As long as your heart is to share with God’s people, His is fixed on supplying your every need. As you pour into them it’s not of yourself you pour, but He pours of Himself through you. See you’re a yielded vessel submitted unto the King to do the Kingdom business in the earth. Your only assignment is to listen for His voice, be it a still small one or surround sound and obey. It’s not your will being done here, it’s His! See you should only be sowing where He has told you to sow and being careful not to make up your own well doing or good deeds. You should only be where He has lead you to be and not moving about the country on your own accord asking Him to pick up the tab.
Be strong and of GOOD courage. Sow where you expect growth. You should only expect what you hope for. Your hope should only be according to what God spoke/promised. Remember that He is a rewarder of those who diligently ((1) Constant in effort to accomplish something; attentive and persistent in doing anything. (2) Done or pursued with persevering attention; painstaking) seek ((1) To go in search or quest of: to seek the truth. (2) To try to find or discover by searching or questioning. (3) To try to obtain. (4) To go to: to seek a place to rest. (5) To ask for; request: to seek advice. (6) To search or explore.) Him [Hebrews 11:6]. Know that God is a righteous God and will not forget your labor of love [Hebrews 6:10]. Lastly, keep in mind that your expression of love is not according to your measurements of good deeds, but your obedience [John 14:15]."
Much love to each and every heart out there!
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Happy Thursday to all!
I guess I'm a little confused today. I've been going back and forth with a couple of dentist offices this week trying to figure out a resolution to my mouth pain. When I initially went to the dentist, I had my normal x-rays and cleaning, no problems other than going back to get one filling. Yippee! Until.....that weekend I started having some pain in my jaws/cheeks starting in the opposite side of where I needed the filling. I went back for my scheduled appointment only for them to say well since I was experiencing pain they couldn't do the filling at that time. So whats a girl to do? I asked. Well let's take a look at the x-rays you had done. It looks like you still have your wisdom teeth and that could be causing the pain because there may not be enough room for them anymore. I'll get Dr. McIntosh and see what he has to say about it, says the DA. So he comes in and says pain huh? Yes and its very uncomfortable, hurts when I eat, chew and touch the area, but its not my teeth, it feels more like my muscle and is painful to the touch. Sounds like a TMJ but lets pull the wisdom first and see if that helps any he said. So the nurse checks me out and gives me my x-ray, recommends an OTC anti-inflammatory, refers me to the oral surgeon and sends me on my way. I go for my consultation a few days later, been dealing with the pain with OTC meds in the meantime. I explain my situation, hand over the x-rays and they're only recommendation is pulling the wisdom teeth. I watch a video pertaining to the surgery, Dr. goes over a few key points and yadda yadda yadda....and as he gets ready to excuse me I say HALLLLTTTTTTT hold on, hold up. Do you really think that will resolve my problem? I'm not sure what wisdom teeth pain feels like, but I can guarantee you its not what I'm feeling. Look at my x-rays I demand, put yourself in my shoes, let me tell you again MY Situation. I am having pain/discomfort that starts in the morning and diminishes near midday. My pain switches sides often, the pain meds are not working and I've had a few people agree that this has little to do with my wisdom teeth. Will you explain what a TMJ is? I asked. He asked do you grind your teeth at night? I don't know... Do you clench your teeth? Maybe, I don't know... Are you under a lot of stress? DUUHHH....Of course. He explained well it could be a TMJ disorder but first we would still like to pull your wisdom teeth as you shouldn't have them at this age. It doesn't appear from your x-rays that there is an infection/ they are not impacted/ and your risk level of damage from performing this type of procedure is low, so again I would like to recommend the surgery and then focus on the possible Temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ). It was nice meeting you, when you check-out the scheduler will give you an estimate and time of surgery and by the way, stop taking the anti-inflammatory 3 days before your appointment. So you're probably wondering why I said all this. I said it to say, you have to take responsibility for your OWN health If you don't care no one else will. I had other consultations and suggestions and got the point where I rescheduled my wisdom teeth removal until February. I will be getting fitted for a night guard to keep my teeth from clenching at night and until then I'm wearing a store bought mouth guard you know the ones that athletes wear, trying to figure out how to pay for all of the services and products I have to use while going through this process. Most importantly finding an oral surgeon that can take the time to look at my particular situation and treat me like a patient and not a number or $$$ sign because I have good insurance.
Monday, January 4, 2010
Happy New Year Ladies!
I think I was off to a great start with the new year, but you know drama will work its way in somehow....but I refuse to be a victim! I want to celebrate this year, I wan't to improve my relationship with my friends and most importantly family. I CHOSE to improve time management skills in EVERY aspect of my life. A friend of mines sent me a quote that inspired me and I pray she (you know who you are!) keeps on inspiring me. Most people don't know that words of inspiration go a long way and can touch a life in so many ways. I look forward to inspiration and I hope that I can be an inspiration to many many more.
DEATH OF A BLACK WOMAN:While struggling with the reality of being a human instead of a myth, the strong black woman passed away.. Medical sources say she died of natural causes, but those who knew her know
She died from being silent when she should have been screaming, smiling when she should have been raging, from being sick and not wanting anyone to know because her pain might inconvenience them.
She died from an overdose of other people clinging to her when she didn't even have energy for herself.
She died from loving men who didn't' t love themselves and could only offer her a crippled reflection.
She died from raising children alone.
She died from the lies her grandmother told her mother and her mother told her about life, men & racism..
She died from being sexually abused as a child and having to take that truth everywhere she went every day of her life, exchanging the humiliation for guilt and back again.
She died from asphyxiation, coughing up blood from secrets she kept trying to burn away instead of allowing herself the kind of nervous breakdown she was entitled to, but only white girls could afford.
She died from being responsible, because she was the last rung on the ladder and there was no one under her she could dump on.The strong black woman is dead.
She died from being a mother at 15 and a grandmother at 30 and an ancestor at 45.
She died from being dragged down and sat upon by un-evolved women posing as sisters and friends.
She died from tolerating Mr. Pitiful, just to have a man around the house.
She died from sacrificing herself for everybody and everything when what she really wanted to do was be a singer, a dancer, or some magnificent other.
She died from lies of omission because she didn't want to bring the black man down.
She died from tributes from her counterparts who should have been matching her efforts instead of showering her with dead words and empty songs.
She died from myths that would not allow her to show weakness without being chastised by the lazy and hazy..
She died from hiding her real feelings until they became hard and bitter enough to invade her womb and breasts like angry tumors.
She died from always lifting something from heavy boxes to refrigerators all by herself.The strong black woman is dead.
She died from never being enough of what men wanted, or being too much for the men she wanted.
She died from being too black and died again for not being black enough.
She died from being misinformed about her mind, her body & the extent of her royal capabilities.
She died from knees pressed too close together because respect was never part of the foreplay that was being shoved at her.
She died from loneliness in birthing rooms and aloneness in abortion centers.
She died in bathrooms with her veins busting open with self-hatred and neglect.And sometimes when she refused to die, when she just refused to give in she was killed by the lethal images of blond hair, blue eyes and flat butts.Sometimes, she was stomped to death by racism & sexism, executed by hi-tech ignorance while she carried the family in her belly, the community on her head, and the race on her back!
The strong black woman is dead!Or is she? No she isn't, not if she's reading this!!!!!!!!!!!
I too refuse to die, we must stay strong. Lift each other up where we have fallen down and continue to be an inspiration to each and every person you come in contact with today and everyday!
Much love....
DEATH OF A BLACK WOMAN:While struggling with the reality of being a human instead of a myth, the strong black woman passed away.. Medical sources say she died of natural causes, but those who knew her know
She died from being silent when she should have been screaming, smiling when she should have been raging, from being sick and not wanting anyone to know because her pain might inconvenience them.
She died from an overdose of other people clinging to her when she didn't even have energy for herself.
She died from loving men who didn't' t love themselves and could only offer her a crippled reflection.
She died from raising children alone.
She died from the lies her grandmother told her mother and her mother told her about life, men & racism..
She died from being sexually abused as a child and having to take that truth everywhere she went every day of her life, exchanging the humiliation for guilt and back again.
She died from asphyxiation, coughing up blood from secrets she kept trying to burn away instead of allowing herself the kind of nervous breakdown she was entitled to, but only white girls could afford.
She died from being responsible, because she was the last rung on the ladder and there was no one under her she could dump on.The strong black woman is dead.
She died from being a mother at 15 and a grandmother at 30 and an ancestor at 45.
She died from being dragged down and sat upon by un-evolved women posing as sisters and friends.
She died from tolerating Mr. Pitiful, just to have a man around the house.
She died from sacrificing herself for everybody and everything when what she really wanted to do was be a singer, a dancer, or some magnificent other.
She died from lies of omission because she didn't want to bring the black man down.
She died from tributes from her counterparts who should have been matching her efforts instead of showering her with dead words and empty songs.
She died from myths that would not allow her to show weakness without being chastised by the lazy and hazy..
She died from hiding her real feelings until they became hard and bitter enough to invade her womb and breasts like angry tumors.
She died from always lifting something from heavy boxes to refrigerators all by herself.The strong black woman is dead.
She died from never being enough of what men wanted, or being too much for the men she wanted.
She died from being too black and died again for not being black enough.
She died from being misinformed about her mind, her body & the extent of her royal capabilities.
She died from knees pressed too close together because respect was never part of the foreplay that was being shoved at her.
She died from loneliness in birthing rooms and aloneness in abortion centers.
She died in bathrooms with her veins busting open with self-hatred and neglect.And sometimes when she refused to die, when she just refused to give in she was killed by the lethal images of blond hair, blue eyes and flat butts.Sometimes, she was stomped to death by racism & sexism, executed by hi-tech ignorance while she carried the family in her belly, the community on her head, and the race on her back!
The strong black woman is dead!Or is she? No she isn't, not if she's reading this!!!!!!!!!!!
I too refuse to die, we must stay strong. Lift each other up where we have fallen down and continue to be an inspiration to each and every person you come in contact with today and everyday!
Much love....
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