I write this for a special someone that deserves to hear this message today. You are beautiful, you have so much potential. You are living life, but is it to its fullest? Not meaning doing all you can do bad, but all you can do with good intentions. You will find someday that you have regrets and you’ve made mistakes, but don’t make them in vain. Let your mistakes be ones that you learn from, that can teach your fellow family and friends to not to go down the same path. You have been through so much lately, being a teenager alone but the day will come and your breakthrough is on its way. Keep the love in your heart. Do not build anger and sadness, it is not worth it and it will only hurt you more in the long run. You have beautiful dreams and aspirations and one day you will see your success. Let each and every day be another step closer to that ultimate dream. Do not give up on your dreams, they will come true. You have it in your heart to be all you can be. You can have so much fun experiencing each and every journey you will go on. Build you way, be creative and keep your eye on the prize. Real friendships will be built, family will support you, and love will come on time. I love you!
O.M.G. sarah are you talkin bout me.. dats so sweet and i love that you pay attention and care... I LOVE YOU 2!!! Haha jasmine is out. lol... Moo and Pootie said HI!!!!!!!!
-Jasmine Monroe, The CEO of my life
wow their getting soi big!!!!
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