Many times people ask me why do you write? I have many reasons why.. some being that I write when happy when angry, when excited, when scared, when bored, I write as a form of my expression. I am a very reserved person and when younger I would write with no intentions of showing or telling anyone what I’ve written. Now I want the world to see and experience my expression. Its calming, it’s fun, its inspirational, it’s a way to open doors that you no longer want to keep closed.
One thing I don’t like the world to see is when I write when I’m angry. This is a door that cannot be opened to some because they would never understand or might interpret it the wrong way. When people read your writing, there way of interpretation can make or break the intention you had on your expression. I’ve learned over the last year or so how to REPLY rather than REACT to the a person’s way of interpreting my writing. I don’t want to shy people from what I write whether they enjoy reading it or not. I want them to feel like they’ve gained or learned something from it. Just as I would want to feel when I’m reading another person’s form of expression. I don't want to feel offended or hurt or as if I interpreted the wrong way. At times many people are unlike me and they write with intentions of causing pain and anger in others. I know this is going on because I’m a writer. I can interpret, break down and determine what the meaning behind what certain expressions or words mean and how they were put out there for others to see. The most important part of how I handle this is to not re-act, but simply to reply if that is even necessary. I’ve seen so much on facebook this past weekend to make a person just plain sick and tired of peoples stupidity and ignorance to the realities of the world. I waited and pondered how I should react to what I’ve seen….I had so many things in mind, but then I realized, hold up I need to pray about this- On this issue I need guidance on how to control my anger, how to be a comforter those affected and offended and how to reply and if it was needed for this situation. Oh God, I asked why does the devil have to run so ramped in people these days? Why can’t they get there mind and souls right and stop allowing the devil to control their every move, every decision and thought? And then I had a ah-ha moment. Everyone is not saved…just that simple right? Everyone is not saved. Let me say it again for those that read too much into things. Everyone is not saved. Therefore if everyone is not saved they cannot and will not begin to understand or see why there life is so screwed up and why they are so stupid and ignorant and why they hang around stupidity and ignorance. Do I hate or despise these kind of people? NO, but I will not allow myself to stoop to that level with them, I’ll let them know about their selves whether they like it or not. Everyone deserves to be told the truth and truth is YOU NEED TO GROW UP and stop the drama! Truth hurts! You are much too old and should be a model of maturity and love to continue on the same path that you have been on. If you haven’t already- it’s time to grow up and grow out of the mess you’ve been in for so long, you deserve a better life, you children deserve better, and your friends and family deserve better of you. Now before I close this out, let me just reassure you that my intentions were not to single you out or treat you bad, because God knows I still love you and want better for you. And if it took this for you to see that you need some Jesus in your life for real then it should be a wakeup call for you and not a breakup a relationship call for us.
Prayer can be a very personal thing, there is a time and place for everything and this prayer I share with you today:
Prayer for PeaceLord, make me an instrument of Thy peace;
where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury, pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
and where there is sadness, joy.
O Divine Master,
grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console;
to be loved, as to love;
for it is in giving that we receive,
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life. Amen.
--St. Francis of Assisi (1181-1226)
Wow..speechless. So true!!!
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