Accomplishing the dream...

We look ahead to the future for happiness, letting life slip through our fingers. Will we feel complete when the task is done or look back on how we missed so much fun? Self-exhausted and we cant see a thing, hurting those we love as well as ourselves. We have so much to be grateful for, but are we willing to open the door? Too frequently others see whats in front of our face, but were to blind to look as we're ready to race. Is this what life should be about? Money, fortune, fame or a big house? Family, love, friendship and laughter are what we should seek. Everything else will fall in its place so there's no need to compete....

My Blog Pages

Friday, May 20, 2011

Random Ramblings

Its day 5 of 7 and I wonder why sometimes I challenged myself and I'm sure your wondering too and what it's all about, well hang in there as I prepare to close out this challenge and enjoy!
Thank God its Friday! (TGIF)
All my prayers for those who've recently lost love ones. A special praying for the strength of the Miller family and Burleson family.
Smart Phone + Water = bad news and a dumb, illiterate phone
Dont believe the Hype! It's not all that!
Sisters are the best!
A special shoutout to the most artistic girl I know! check her out at !

Huggs and Kisses (Muah Muah!)

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