Hello, hello, hello (echo)........ the pages of my blogs have been empty for so long, some may find it a bit disturbing. Its fine to feel that way, I've traveled that road plenty. I hope no ones given up on visiting although there's no doubt most have. I want to take a moment to apologize to my bloggy family and friends. I'M SORRY for leaving you lonely, stranded, and just plain angry at my inability to produce a post of substance or even non-substance for that matter.
There were no poems, no music, and no words that I felt inclined to post about over this period of time. I realized I could have done better, thrown a song or two, a poem or two, or just a simple update on whats going on in my world, but no can do! I came down with the good ole condition most refer to as writers block. My stubborn inability to produce even a single word to post on any of my multiple blogs was well....a problem that I'm ready to move past.
So as I visit my blogs again after a long deserted break, expect some posts and updates and feel free to pop over more often. I'm looking forward to your comments or questions, so shoot any my way!
Happy Monday to all and I'll be blogging with you soon!
Accomplishing the dream...
We look ahead to the future for happiness, letting life slip through our fingers. Will we feel complete when the task is done or look back on how we missed so much fun? Self-exhausted and we cant see a thing, hurting those we love as well as ourselves. We have so much to be grateful for, but are we willing to open the door? Too frequently others see whats in front of our face, but were to blind to look as we're ready to race. Is this what life should be about? Money, fortune, fame or a big house? Family, love, friendship and laughter are what we should seek. Everything else will fall in its place so there's no need to compete....
My Blog Pages
Monday, September 12, 2011
Monday, June 20, 2011
Many times people ask me why do you write? I have many reasons why.. some being that I write when happy when angry, when excited, when scared, when bored, I write as a form of my expression. I am a very reserved person and when younger I would write with no intentions of showing or telling anyone what I’ve written. Now I want the world to see and experience my expression. Its calming, it’s fun, its inspirational, it’s a way to open doors that you no longer want to keep closed.
One thing I don’t like the world to see is when I write when I’m angry. This is a door that cannot be opened to some because they would never understand or might interpret it the wrong way. When people read your writing, there way of interpretation can make or break the intention you had on your expression. I’ve learned over the last year or so how to REPLY rather than REACT to the a person’s way of interpreting my writing. I don’t want to shy people from what I write whether they enjoy reading it or not. I want them to feel like they’ve gained or learned something from it. Just as I would want to feel when I’m reading another person’s form of expression. I don't want to feel offended or hurt or as if I interpreted the wrong way. At times many people are unlike me and they write with intentions of causing pain and anger in others. I know this is going on because I’m a writer. I can interpret, break down and determine what the meaning behind what certain expressions or words mean and how they were put out there for others to see. The most important part of how I handle this is to not re-act, but simply to reply if that is even necessary. I’ve seen so much on facebook this past weekend to make a person just plain sick and tired of peoples stupidity and ignorance to the realities of the world. I waited and pondered how I should react to what I’ve seen….I had so many things in mind, but then I realized, hold up I need to pray about this- On this issue I need guidance on how to control my anger, how to be a comforter those affected and offended and how to reply and if it was needed for this situation. Oh God, I asked why does the devil have to run so ramped in people these days? Why can’t they get there mind and souls right and stop allowing the devil to control their every move, every decision and thought? And then I had a ah-ha moment. Everyone is not saved…just that simple right? Everyone is not saved. Let me say it again for those that read too much into things. Everyone is not saved. Therefore if everyone is not saved they cannot and will not begin to understand or see why there life is so screwed up and why they are so stupid and ignorant and why they hang around stupidity and ignorance. Do I hate or despise these kind of people? NO, but I will not allow myself to stoop to that level with them, I’ll let them know about their selves whether they like it or not. Everyone deserves to be told the truth and truth is YOU NEED TO GROW UP and stop the drama! Truth hurts! You are much too old and should be a model of maturity and love to continue on the same path that you have been on. If you haven’t already- it’s time to grow up and grow out of the mess you’ve been in for so long, you deserve a better life, you children deserve better, and your friends and family deserve better of you. Now before I close this out, let me just reassure you that my intentions were not to single you out or treat you bad, because God knows I still love you and want better for you. And if it took this for you to see that you need some Jesus in your life for real then it should be a wakeup call for you and not a breakup a relationship call for us.
Prayer can be a very personal thing, there is a time and place for everything and this prayer I share with you today:
Prayer for PeaceLord, make me an instrument of Thy peace;
where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury, pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
and where there is sadness, joy.
O Divine Master,
grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console;
to be loved, as to love;
for it is in giving that we receive,
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life. Amen.
--St. Francis of Assisi (1181-1226)
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Saturday, May 28, 2011
7 Day Challenge Finale!!!
As I prepared to wrap up the 7 day challenge, it became harder and harder to write. In a way I became almost defiant and stubborn in my thinking. I said things like, I don't want to write, I don't have to, I'm grown and can do what I want, when I want. In life sometimes you have those moments where you feel like "this" is mines and I don't have to answer to anyone but me. Some wonder why did you challenge yourself? What was it suppose to mean? My intentions and goal of the challenge was to take a period of time in my life where I had to embark on a difficult situation and enjoy and bask in my joy of writing. I wanted to basically make a difficult situation easier by doing something I like. Well it started out nice and easy and as the days continued, it became harder and harder. Before you knew it, day 7 slipped right away from me without completion. It wasn't just my inability to want to write, but of course life got in the way. Situations occur very often in a family of 6. So only a strong desire would've really sat me down to write that day. Of course I had everyday after that and that's just how I looked at it. I could write it anytime now because I'm late anyways, right? You'll have to excuse the fact that this post comes long in length and I hope you will find the ability and time to want to finish reading.
I was confronted with a reader of my blog (thanks family) when I didn't post day 7. Unbelievable right? Now I had to force and answer to why I had just given up or not completed my journey. People actually enjoyed what I was doing and were looking forward to finding a conclusion to what this all meant. So then my thinking became OMG! I have to write this, it almost felt forcible now, which was the complete opposite of my purpose. I fought with emotions, situations, and my inability to find the "right" words to wrap the challenge up for days. At times when I found the right focus, it wouldn't stick in my mind in enough time to write it down. Timing was never perfect. But today as I sit and write, I refuse to get up without finishing up this challenge. It's late, but somewhat right on time. I remain proud of myself (regardless of the fact that its late) for finishing it up. As I speak upon what I learned and gained from this challenge, let me first say, it was indeed a challenge and I need so much more work on completing personal tasks and working on me. I am a wife and mother, but I also need to continue to really and truly focus on me. Most times I am just going through the motions and not enjoying the beauty of life and the beauty of being a woman. I have also learned that although my journey seems hard now, it is preparations for fruits of life that many long to have. I have gained so much spiritually from this journey. I am a Christian and my goal is to make it to Paradise. As (man)human in body, there are many times where I will do human things and think human thoughts. I will make mistakes and learn from them. I will sin at times knowingly and unknowingly, but I'm learning how to be a better Christian each and every day.
As I wrap up this post today, I hope that through my journey I have encouraged you to embark on the next step or next dream of your journey. Anything you do, that it not part of your normal routine can be considered the next step. Whether it be starting a new path, hobby, job; developing an relationship or repairing an relationship and so on so forth. Focus on your life right now, determine and act upon your Mission, realize and find your Vision, last but not least- LIVE IT!
As I prepared to wrap up the 7 day challenge, it became harder and harder to write. In a way I became almost defiant and stubborn in my thinking. I said things like, I don't want to write, I don't have to, I'm grown and can do what I want, when I want. In life sometimes you have those moments where you feel like "this" is mines and I don't have to answer to anyone but me. Some wonder why did you challenge yourself? What was it suppose to mean? My intentions and goal of the challenge was to take a period of time in my life where I had to embark on a difficult situation and enjoy and bask in my joy of writing. I wanted to basically make a difficult situation easier by doing something I like. Well it started out nice and easy and as the days continued, it became harder and harder. Before you knew it, day 7 slipped right away from me without completion. It wasn't just my inability to want to write, but of course life got in the way. Situations occur very often in a family of 6. So only a strong desire would've really sat me down to write that day. Of course I had everyday after that and that's just how I looked at it. I could write it anytime now because I'm late anyways, right? You'll have to excuse the fact that this post comes long in length and I hope you will find the ability and time to want to finish reading.
I was confronted with a reader of my blog (thanks family) when I didn't post day 7. Unbelievable right? Now I had to force and answer to why I had just given up or not completed my journey. People actually enjoyed what I was doing and were looking forward to finding a conclusion to what this all meant. So then my thinking became OMG! I have to write this, it almost felt forcible now, which was the complete opposite of my purpose. I fought with emotions, situations, and my inability to find the "right" words to wrap the challenge up for days. At times when I found the right focus, it wouldn't stick in my mind in enough time to write it down. Timing was never perfect. But today as I sit and write, I refuse to get up without finishing up this challenge. It's late, but somewhat right on time. I remain proud of myself (regardless of the fact that its late) for finishing it up. As I speak upon what I learned and gained from this challenge, let me first say, it was indeed a challenge and I need so much more work on completing personal tasks and working on me. I am a wife and mother, but I also need to continue to really and truly focus on me. Most times I am just going through the motions and not enjoying the beauty of life and the beauty of being a woman. I have also learned that although my journey seems hard now, it is preparations for fruits of life that many long to have. I have gained so much spiritually from this journey. I am a Christian and my goal is to make it to Paradise. As (man)human in body, there are many times where I will do human things and think human thoughts. I will make mistakes and learn from them. I will sin at times knowingly and unknowingly, but I'm learning how to be a better Christian each and every day.
As I wrap up this post today, I hope that through my journey I have encouraged you to embark on the next step or next dream of your journey. Anything you do, that it not part of your normal routine can be considered the next step. Whether it be starting a new path, hobby, job; developing an relationship or repairing an relationship and so on so forth. Focus on your life right now, determine and act upon your Mission, realize and find your Vision, last but not least- LIVE IT!
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Live the Life You've Imagined
"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined."
Henry David Thoreau
What do you imagine life as? Are you constantly dreaming or thinking about what your life could've or should've been? Do you not have a clear sight of what you want your future to look like? Do your dreams of life sometime seem unreal or not approving of your friends or family? Today ! encourage you to take the step, stop doubting yourself and go in the directions of what you want your life to be like. Start meeting your goals one at a time, step by step, accomplishment by accomplishment and overcoming failures. Think about it, where have you gotten so far just sitting around waiting for life to magically change for you, waiting for your dreams to come true and your not evening taking the steps to get there? Give your dream of excellence a try, you don't have much to lose but a bunch of seft doubt. As always keep God entangled in each and everystep of the way. Ask him to lead you and carry you through.
Until next time!
Henry David Thoreau
What do you imagine life as? Are you constantly dreaming or thinking about what your life could've or should've been? Do you not have a clear sight of what you want your future to look like? Do your dreams of life sometime seem unreal or not approving of your friends or family? Today ! encourage you to take the step, stop doubting yourself and go in the directions of what you want your life to be like. Start meeting your goals one at a time, step by step, accomplishment by accomplishment and overcoming failures. Think about it, where have you gotten so far just sitting around waiting for life to magically change for you, waiting for your dreams to come true and your not evening taking the steps to get there? Give your dream of excellence a try, you don't have much to lose but a bunch of seft doubt. As always keep God entangled in each and everystep of the way. Ask him to lead you and carry you through.
Until next time!
Friday, May 20, 2011
Random Ramblings
Its day 5 of 7 and I wonder why sometimes I challenged myself and I'm sure your wondering too and what it's all about, well hang in there as I prepare to close out this challenge and enjoy!
Thank God its Friday! (TGIF)
All my prayers for those who've recently lost love ones. A special praying for the strength of the Miller family and Burleson family.
Smart Phone + Water = bad news and a dumb, illiterate phone
Dont believe the Hype! It's not all that!
Sisters are the best!
A special shoutout to the most artistic girl I know! check her out at http://www.ellabear.blogspot.com/ !
Huggs and Kisses (Muah Muah!)
Thank God its Friday! (TGIF)
All my prayers for those who've recently lost love ones. A special praying for the strength of the Miller family and Burleson family.
Smart Phone + Water = bad news and a dumb, illiterate phone
Dont believe the Hype! It's not all that!
Sisters are the best!
A special shoutout to the most artistic girl I know! check her out at http://www.ellabear.blogspot.com/ !
Huggs and Kisses (Muah Muah!)
Thursday, May 19, 2011
This Amazing Woman I Call a Mom By: EllaBear :)
Yo Yo Yo, Ella is in the house! I'm guest blogging for Sarah, or as I like to call her, SaraSaur :). I'm helping her out for her 7 day challenge. Today I will be telling ya'll that SaraSaur is an amazing woman I call a mom.
As many may know, her lover is gone. Not like ya know, gone gone, but he is somewhere working his butt off to ensure that our family is well.
Now, me and Sarah are not flesh. ( I am a bear and she's a dino :) ) but she took me and my sister in when we needed it. She didn't have to, but she did and God has blessed her for it.
Now she must work extra hard cause her mate is off on a journey. She accepted the fact that it would be hard and I don't think she was quite ready to have her mate leave her for such a long time. This is her challenge and she accepts it.
She goes to work everyday, takes care of four children everyday, cooks...cleans...makes sure everyone has done their homeowrk. EVERYDAY!
This woman is the new SuperWoman.
This woman I call amazing is a mom.
EllaBear is out booyah! :)
Visit me @ http://www.ellabear.blogspot.com/
As many may know, her lover is gone. Not like ya know, gone gone, but he is somewhere working his butt off to ensure that our family is well.
Now, me and Sarah are not flesh. ( I am a bear and she's a dino :) ) but she took me and my sister in when we needed it. She didn't have to, but she did and God has blessed her for it.
Now she must work extra hard cause her mate is off on a journey. She accepted the fact that it would be hard and I don't think she was quite ready to have her mate leave her for such a long time. This is her challenge and she accepts it.
She goes to work everyday, takes care of four children everyday, cooks...cleans...makes sure everyone has done their homeowrk. EVERYDAY!
This woman is the new SuperWoman.
This woman I call amazing is a mom.
EllaBear is out booyah! :)
Visit me @ http://www.ellabear.blogspot.com/
Monday, May 16, 2011
Change can be hard to embrace. Impossible to some, easy as a thought to others. Change can be forced or willing, good or bad, and expected or surprised. Many changes have occurred in my life lately.(check out some previous posts) I'm sure its the same for yourselves or the lives of your families and friends. I don't mean small changes that go unseen or overlooked , but I'm talking major.
I prepare today for yet another change. This one I embrace. The day has now settled and reality has kicked in. My Dear is gone. There is nothing in me that agrees with this change, but notice that I "embrace" it. This is a temporary change, but long in length to bear.(at least in my opinion) He is gone on business and my world is different without him. He is on his journey to set up our lives so they'll never be the same. Not just for me and him, but for our children and our children's children. As most may know we have college tuition's to pay for four children and one is coming down the pipeline in another year or so.
He has stepped out on faith and is holding on to God's Promise for all of our lives. As much as the change is overwhelming and hard to adjust to for everyone in my household including him, it is for the greater purpose of our lives. In 13 days the foundation will be set for the most welcome change of our futures. Owning and operating a business is not easy and will succumb you to these conditions, but all in all its well worth the CHANGE!
I prepare today for yet another change. This one I embrace. The day has now settled and reality has kicked in. My Dear is gone. There is nothing in me that agrees with this change, but notice that I "embrace" it. This is a temporary change, but long in length to bear.(at least in my opinion) He is gone on business and my world is different without him. He is on his journey to set up our lives so they'll never be the same. Not just for me and him, but for our children and our children's children. As most may know we have college tuition's to pay for four children and one is coming down the pipeline in another year or so.
He has stepped out on faith and is holding on to God's Promise for all of our lives. As much as the change is overwhelming and hard to adjust to for everyone in my household including him, it is for the greater purpose of our lives. In 13 days the foundation will be set for the most welcome change of our futures. Owning and operating a business is not easy and will succumb you to these conditions, but all in all its well worth the CHANGE!
Monday, April 11, 2011
Its a Celebration!
5 Years-This year My Dear and I celebrate five years of marriage. I don’t like to say we’ve been married five years, because many have been married five years-that would be putting it lightly and I don’t take this celebration lightly. I’ve been in a relationship for over 10 years with My Dear and I would’ve never in a million years thought this would be the beautiful outcome of the friendship we’ve shared. We have grown in so many ways. We have developed a strong bond that will not be broken due to the relationship we share with God. He is what keeps this bond strong and everlasting. I look forward to many more years and milestones of the union we share. In celebration, I dedicate this song:
Stay With You by John Legend
We've been together for awhile now
We're growin stronger every day now
It feels so good and there is no doubt
I will stay with you
As each morning brings the sunrise
And the flowers bloom in springtime
On my lovin', you can rely
And I'll will stay with you
Oh, I will stay with you, through the ups and the downs
Oh, I will stay with you, when no one else is around
And when the dark clouds arise, I will stay by your side
And I know we'll be alright, I will stay with you
Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
Though relationships can get old
They have the tendency to grow cold
We have something like a miracle, yeah
And I'll stay with you
Oh, I will stay you, through the ups and the downs
Yes, I will stay with you, when no one else is around
And when the dark clouds arise, I will stay by your side
And I know we'll be alright, I will stay with you
And there'll be heartaches and pain, yes it will
But through it all we will remain, hey
In this life, we all know friends may come and they may go
But through the years I know, I will stay
And in the end I know that we'll find
A love so beautiful and divine
And we'll be lovers for a lifetime
And I'll stay with you
Whoa, I will stay with you, through the ups the downs
Yes, I will stay with you, when no one else is around
And when the dark clouds arise, I will stay by your side
And I know we'll be alright, I will stay with you
Yea everything will be fine, yea and I'll stay with you
Through the end of all time, I will stay with you
Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
Stay With You by John Legend
We've been together for awhile now
We're growin stronger every day now
It feels so good and there is no doubt
I will stay with you
As each morning brings the sunrise
And the flowers bloom in springtime
On my lovin', you can rely
And I'll will stay with you
Oh, I will stay with you, through the ups and the downs
Oh, I will stay with you, when no one else is around
And when the dark clouds arise, I will stay by your side
And I know we'll be alright, I will stay with you
Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
Though relationships can get old
They have the tendency to grow cold
We have something like a miracle, yeah
And I'll stay with you
Oh, I will stay you, through the ups and the downs
Yes, I will stay with you, when no one else is around
And when the dark clouds arise, I will stay by your side
And I know we'll be alright, I will stay with you
And there'll be heartaches and pain, yes it will
But through it all we will remain, hey
In this life, we all know friends may come and they may go
But through the years I know, I will stay
And in the end I know that we'll find
A love so beautiful and divine
And we'll be lovers for a lifetime
And I'll stay with you
Whoa, I will stay with you, through the ups the downs
Yes, I will stay with you, when no one else is around
And when the dark clouds arise, I will stay by your side
And I know we'll be alright, I will stay with you
Yea everything will be fine, yea and I'll stay with you
Through the end of all time, I will stay with you
Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
Thursday, April 7, 2011
The storm is almost over.....
As I write this post today, I sit in complete exhaustion. My heart is troubled, my body is exhausted and my soul is completely worn out. I struggled over the past few weeks trying to cherish and appreciate happy times, good feelings and moments of enjoyment. It becomes harder and harder every day. Its seems impossible to be in a good mood and not a day goes by where I don’t want to go somewhere and cry my heart out, cry out all the sickness from my body and rid myself of the daily dr. visits and calls. I don’t want to be around or participate in activities with my family let alone my friends. Not due to any fault of theirs but just because of my own feelings of hopelessness. I pray sometimes with tears that my health, mind, body and soul be restored. That this storm will end and the sunshine will break though. I don’t want to work, but then again I don’t want to be home. I don’t want to talk or laugh. All motivation and inspiration has been drained from my thoughts. It’s times like this that I wish this was a bad dream and I could awaken from it.
On the other side of the fence, one thing I do have throughout this storm are many people praying for me. I welcome every prayer, every moment of the day. I welcome every person that can encourage me to assist in bringing me through. I am oh so thankful for my family as they have been so understanding throughout the process. Being able to hold me up and together, handle my laziness, understand why I walk with my head hung low, and my un-commitment to family time and activities together. I thank My Dear also for praying with me and for me. I never thought I would feel this way, if I would’ve known, I wouldn’t have went for testing. I would’ve ignored it, pushed it off to a better time that suites me. But my God knew what he was doing and how he wanted to move in my life. See if we didn’t have storms in our life, we wouldn’t appreciate the sunshine. God has blessed me and my household and family so much that he needs me to sit back and appreciate it. And if this is his way to getting me to that state of mind, well then I’ll take it. Though it seems unbearable at times I know past it all is a special blessing meant for me. So through my feelings of hopelessness and non-encouragement, I pray for you as you pray for me, that we’ll all make it through the storms in our life. That behind it all we’ll be able to enjoy and appreciate the sunshine(blessings) in our lives. That we will humble ourselves to accept the love of Jesus in our lives so that he can move in ways we never thought possible. So that he could pour out blessings we’ve never thought we’d have room enough to receive. If we can just trust him today- that he will bring us through our trials and tribulations, throughout the sickness of our bodies, our feelings of hopelessness, and throughout the difficulties of losing a loved one. I will wait on him, I will allow him to guide me through my storm.
On the other side of the fence, one thing I do have throughout this storm are many people praying for me. I welcome every prayer, every moment of the day. I welcome every person that can encourage me to assist in bringing me through. I am oh so thankful for my family as they have been so understanding throughout the process. Being able to hold me up and together, handle my laziness, understand why I walk with my head hung low, and my un-commitment to family time and activities together. I thank My Dear also for praying with me and for me. I never thought I would feel this way, if I would’ve known, I wouldn’t have went for testing. I would’ve ignored it, pushed it off to a better time that suites me. But my God knew what he was doing and how he wanted to move in my life. See if we didn’t have storms in our life, we wouldn’t appreciate the sunshine. God has blessed me and my household and family so much that he needs me to sit back and appreciate it. And if this is his way to getting me to that state of mind, well then I’ll take it. Though it seems unbearable at times I know past it all is a special blessing meant for me. So through my feelings of hopelessness and non-encouragement, I pray for you as you pray for me, that we’ll all make it through the storms in our life. That behind it all we’ll be able to enjoy and appreciate the sunshine(blessings) in our lives. That we will humble ourselves to accept the love of Jesus in our lives so that he can move in ways we never thought possible. So that he could pour out blessings we’ve never thought we’d have room enough to receive. If we can just trust him today- that he will bring us through our trials and tribulations, throughout the sickness of our bodies, our feelings of hopelessness, and throughout the difficulties of losing a loved one. I will wait on him, I will allow him to guide me through my storm.
Friday, February 25, 2011
Lord Give me Strength.....
What most people don’t understand is when you pray to the lord for strength or to make you stronger, He will not literally give you more physical strength, He will not add more hours to your day to complete unmanageable tasks and He will probably not just make a difficult situation disappear as if it never existed, but what He will do is put you through situations to make you stronger. See this was a ah-ha moment for me just recently. In many different situations and daily- I asked God for strength because I knew that I could not bear my burdens alone. I knew I needed guidance, understanding and strength to make it through. See I am not an expert at interpretation or speaking upon the word of God, but I am wise enough to know what God is doing in my life. At some points when I prayed my hardest, I would see situations appear right upon my life, but these weren’t necessarily blessings but more like tests, sometimes they were more obstacles or road blocks, & more difficult times. So many of days, I thought to myself-why is it the harder I pray, the harder situations become, the less understanding I have? But through the guidance of Him and consistency of seeking Him, I realized that He was not giving me physical strength, He would not simply just remove my roadblocks, He would not just completely change my mind, He would not just make things easier or perfect because we always need to be working in and through Christ and if we’re perfect then what would His purpose be? But what He would do was test me and put me through situations to see if I could endure or withstand what His ultimate goal was for my life. Examples such as making me work harder on the job. Why for over a month now, have I felt an increase of stress at work with mandating of work six days per week? What is He getting ready to do in my life with a sign of building my endurance to work through tight deadlines, is it my inspiration of having a family business in my future that He’s preparing me for?? And how about my health, I wonder why am I feeling an increase in pain and sickness over the last few months? What’s the answer to why he’s building my endurance with being able to handle pain and sickness, what is getting ready to happen with me or someone close to me where I would need to be stronger in this area? As far as results in which I’m sure a majority of us want to make sure we get the right outcomes of what people around us do or deserve along with the right outcomes for our own actions. But sometimes I don’t see the results I want, I don’t see people reaping what the sow, I don’t see fairness or understanding. Why is there a need for the results to seem unfair or that the harder I push for the good outcome, sometimes it’s not always to my understanding?, is He preparing me to be more understanding and patient, is He preparing me for a major blessing (outcome) that I’ve been searching for? All these questions I ponder, but what I do know is that the Lord is my leader and while He is testing me, building my endurance, making me stronger and giving me patience. He has an ultimate goal for my life, and whatever it may be I welcome it with open arms. Lord continue to give me Strength, so that I could move in the ways that you would have me to go!
Friday, February 4, 2011
1 Year of Blogging!!
So I’ve been blogging for a year now and my how fun it has been! You’ve had the opportunities to see my highs and lows, my ups and downs, my successes and failures in many areas of my life. I have to say I’m truly proud of myself. I started on this journey in an effort to lead an life of excellence. I started efforts to take action and responsibility for my dreams, opportunities and goals in life. I wanted to motivate and inspire people I know closely and those I’ve reached unknowingly. I wanted to touch many lives in many ways. I wanted to give hope for the unhopeful and love for the unloved. I need this all back in return which I got just from the views and visits and comments on my site. I knew that somehow someway I was making a difference. I wanted something to do in my spare time, I wanted to release thoughts and feeling I never thought I could tell the world. I wanted my blessing to be another’s blessings. I wanted to be different but special. I wanted this all to lead to my ultimate goal of excellence, of realizing what life was all about and how to live the prosperous life that many of us dream of.
Well I have to say that I believe deep in my heart that I have accomplished this and so much more. Throughout my days and/or weeks of non-posting, sometimes I felt bad or guilty that someone special might miss out on a choice of words they really needed to hear. This always gave me a push to want to keep going and to never give up. Somehow, I helped another that helped me back in return, just by being helped. Well the journey is not over, I have so much more to dream and say. This year has brought about a great positive impact and change in life and my goal still stands. So join me this year as I continue on my journey of excellence. Continue to be motivated and inspired, help and guide me on my journey, visit often and send you responses and comments my way. And yes I will actually be celebrating with my favorite Ice-cream this weekend!!!
Well I have to say that I believe deep in my heart that I have accomplished this and so much more. Throughout my days and/or weeks of non-posting, sometimes I felt bad or guilty that someone special might miss out on a choice of words they really needed to hear. This always gave me a push to want to keep going and to never give up. Somehow, I helped another that helped me back in return, just by being helped. Well the journey is not over, I have so much more to dream and say. This year has brought about a great positive impact and change in life and my goal still stands. So join me this year as I continue on my journey of excellence. Continue to be motivated and inspired, help and guide me on my journey, visit often and send you responses and comments my way. And yes I will actually be celebrating with my favorite Ice-cream this weekend!!!
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Consistency is the Key
Now a days if you haven’t already noticed, many people have a major problem with being consistent in many sometimes all areas of our lives. We think we only accomplish this much or that much or only go so far. We hold ourselves back and set limits. We have to have a mindset where we move those limits. If your mindset is limited, your life can be limited. You may wonder well what are those limits and why do we have them? In my opinion the 4 major reason we have or set limits are ignorance-something causing you to ignore the problem or situation or pretend it doesn’t exist. Distraction-something or someone distracting your consistency, causing you to get caught up in other things or situations, Deception- being deceived by someone or something and The Truth- the most major limit of all- most people think well I know the truth, I’m educated with this and I’ve been taught that. I go to church or I go to school and I’m the best employee on my job. How about I got the right answers to everything. In order to be consistent you have to really live it day in and day out. We don’t do things long enough to gain consistency. We think if we do something every once in awhile, holidays, birthdays or going to church on Sundays is going to get us to a breakthrough, then you got another thing coming. You have to be consistent and intensify your consistency or else you will not reap the outcome you want. Consistency is the key and is the gateway to living your dream.
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